Friday, February 27, 2009

Vote for this Clown - He'll Look You in the Eye

For an even better version...


rac said...

The funny thing is that his Katrina story is most probably a lie (you can google it yourself). Maybe eye contact isn't always the best indicator of truth.

Ric Larson said...

RAC'ster.How about Governor Palin and Governor Bobby on the next Republican Presidential party ticket? What a team that would make!

Ric Larson said...

The first 'You Tube' guy, wasn't he a little light on his loafers?

Sean said...

RAC - why do make the assumption that he's lying?

Doug said...

Because he's a politician from Louisiana.
Take a trip through the state sometime and you just may find yourself saying this ain't no way to run an airline.
Schools, hospitals shuttered. Per capita murder rate that rivals Baghdad. If the criminals don't get you the cops will. Entire neighborhoods gone and I mean like somebody dropped a bomb on them.
Last time I was in New Orleans the entire time I was there there was a pervasive odor of urine. And that was in the good area.
You put them in charge of the show you really will have something to bitch about.

rac said...

Touché, Doug. ROTFLMFAO! I might also add there's nothing like Louisiana during an election. Makes this blog look like a Quaker Sunday school.

rac said...

But to answer your question Sean, it's because I read it on the Internet so therefor it must be true. lol

mat said...

Yea and what party ran the state for 60 years?

rac said...

It's also the state that elected David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, as a Republican State Representative. Duke also ran for a number of other offices including President, Senator and Governor. He seems to have no real party affiliation since he has run under both parties at various times. I'm telling you, there ain't nothing like Louisiana politics.

illustrationISM.... said...

Lousy-ana is where the company is based,
that 'axed' my job 2 years ago!
My whole family 'raspberries' their billboards
when we pass them,
(pssst...the company's name is
RAMAL (spelled backwards..i.e - LAM...).
--NOTE: The company name was
NOT SPELLED out due to company
agents 'coming after' me if i dis 'em--

Sean said...

Louisiana has been dominated by the dem party for decades, hasn't it?

We dumped David Duke a long time ago, but speaking of the KKK, ever hear of Robert Byrd? He's been a senator since 1959 (longest ever). He was a member of the KKK. He filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As, by the way, did most Dems.

What party was Lincoln?
Which party was party pushed through the Civil Rights Act?
Which party opposed it?
Which party was associated with Jim Crow and the poll tax?

Sean said...

Obama talks about how the school system is broken.

Who runs the education system?
teachers union

What party is in bed with the teachers union?

Why should we think that allowing the dems and teachers union to spend more money will improve education?
I don't

Sean said...

Obama talks about getting everyone to have some education beyond high school. There aren't enough colleges for this, even if everyone wanted to. I know, he's also talking about vocational and technical schools.

But what he's REALLY talking about is extending the federal government's stranglehold on education to go beyond high school. We already fund K-12 education. There will soon be a push to mandate pre-K for Americans. Again, to extend the government control.

There is nothing in the constitution that grants the federal government any control over education.

Doug said...

there is like no difference between a southern democrat and a conservative republican. Democrat or Republican, Louisiana politicians have demonstrated themselves through the years as incompetent, self indulgent and indifferent to their peoples plight.
Like I said. Take a trip through the state sometime. Especially the urban areas. Or at least what used to be urban areas.
You will be aghast.

rac said...

Wow, I didn't realize conservatives hated teachers too. Oh that's right, they've got that home schooling thing going for them.

Sean said...

RAC - I don't "hate" teachers. I come from a long line of teachers. I don't "hate" auto workers either, but I do have some serious issues with both the teachers and the auto workers unions.

Does having opinions about someone or something automatically translate into "hate" by your definition. Hey, I don't even "hate" liberals, but I sure do have problems with their policies and ways of working. One being how they insist on labeling any other opinions as "hatred".

rac said...

It's all just lipstick on a pig.

rac said...

And Sean, for Republicans to lay claim to the party of Lincoln is a stretch of the imagination at best. They are related in name only.

Anonymous said...

I am missing something, what does this guy have to do with Louisiana?

Sean said...

Bobby Jindal is the governor of Louisiana.

Sean said...

Abe Lincoln was, in fact, a Republican. Southern Democrats did, in fact, oppose the Equal Rights movement in the 60's.

The dems have done a very good job at painting the reps as rascist, intolerant oppressors. For democrats today to lay exclusive claim to equal rights and advancement for african americans is what *I* would call a stretch of the imagination.

History certainly says otherwise.

I would argue that much of the dems platform today does more to retard the advancement of black american that to support it. It is clearly the left who is obsessed with race.

Sean said...

Doug, if you assume Jindal is a liar because "he's a politician from Louisiana", what assumptions would you make of a politician from Chicago?

The reputation of the Chicago Mayor Daley's Democrat machine would seem to indicate that we should consider Obama a liar, as well. He certainly rose through that political system without, as far as I know, raising any objections to the democrat organization in power there. Do you think he could succeed as a democrat in Chicago without playing along?

rac said...

I made no such reference to race nor was it implied - that was an assumption made by yourself. So now who is obsessed by race?

rac said...

"This Republican Party of Lincoln has become a party of theocracy."
U.S. Representative Christopher Shays, R-CT, (New York Times 3/23/05)

Doug said...

like I've said before. They're all assholes. It's just a question of which one is the assholiest.
Being originally from the great state of Illinois i feel especially qualified to comment on Chicago politics.
Corruption is the norm and deception is the common language.
It's how things are done.
It's the Chicago way.

Sean said...

RAC - umm... you brought up race in this topic when you started with David Duke and the KKK.

rac said...

And if you read my post about him you would know I did not assign ownership to any particular party. My point was ONLY that politics in Louisiana are colorful. Don't always assume the worst and please do try to keep up man! ;)

Sean said...

RAC - I guess I could read it that way. You do start with "that republican" but then say he's not really with any party.

Fair enough.