Saturday, February 21, 2009

The RAT hiding deep inside the stimulus bill

Buried deep in the "stimulus bill" is the creation of a new department called the "Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board". The board would oversee the in-house watchdogs, known as inspectors general, whose job is to independently investigate allegations of wrongdoing at various federal agencies, without fear of interference by political appointees or the White House.

Congress has given the RAT Board the authority to ask “that an inspector general conduct or refrain from conducting an audit or investigation.”

The board was created at the request of the white house and will report to the white house. Is this the new transparency we were promised (Obama)? Is this the most ethical congress ever (Pelosi)? Is this REALLY what you who voted him in were hoping for?

Read the whole article from Byron York in the DC Examiner:


Ric Larson said...

The office of 'I.G.' or 'Inspecting General' is suppose to be an independent invesigative office. What the Prez is propposing is...dictatorship.

Sean said...

Ric, this is not a proposal. It is now law. This is part of the stimulas bill that was written in secret, voted on by members of congress who had not read it and signed into law by our new president.

It is a done deal.

Ric Larson said...

Sean, thanks brother for clearing that up for me. Well now, it is official, he is a dictator!

Ric Larson said...

Does anyone know what the 2nd Amendment is, and/or what it really means?

Did you all know that in the last six months the gun companies have hit record sales!

Does anyone one see a correlation here?

mat said...

I can't believe we're still talking about this shit.We might as well just shut up and ride out the next four years.Sheesh.

Ric Larson said...

Mat, it will be the next two years that will be exciting! Lets see what is played out.

Dave said...

I smell a RAT! Oh and to legally own a gun, you will soon need to purchase 1 million dollars of "incidental negligence" insurance. The only problem is, it doesn't exist. Who besides the rich could afford it and what insurance company in their right mind would agree to pay out a million bucks if you or I got sued by some crook for shooting him, while defending our families or property? In other words, so long second amendment.

mat said...

Watching those of you who were the biggest flag wavers at Obama Fest squirm and start to get nervous is priceless.Whooee this is good shit hahahaha.

Doug said...

So much for shutting up and riding out the next four years.
Lasted all of 12 hours.

mat said...

Yea whatever Doug.Like we're just gonna sit around and say yep everything is our fault for not bringing forth a better candidate and prior to that everything was our fault for electing Bush and so forth and so on.OK lets get real here.You voted for Obama because he was for change.I'll buy that.What change?Not Bush?No shit.He couldn't run again.Just Should have voted for the man in the moon he wasn't Bush either.Hahahaha.Liberals crack me up. yea I know I'm the one thats shallow,I listen to Rush, I wear tin foil on my head,blah,blah,blah. You don't.Your smart all your posts are based in fact and mine are based on idiocy yea I know. I'm sure loving this though. Hahahah. OK I'm sorry you're right. Obama has only been President for a month and only time will tell. I am damn proud of my country. We have a Black President even though I don't think he was the right man for the job(not because he's black,do'nt even go there). Would McCain have been a better choice? We just don't know do we? He wasn't my first choice but he was my parties nominee. I know your thinking that well I could have voted for someone else but so could you and that would have just been a wasted vote with the electoral college being what it is wouldn't it? Whatever Doug. And Robert. I would rather we just all get together and get tore up(I'll buy the Jack and cook shit).I am going to enjoy watching history unfold though.Peace my brothers.

Doug said...

Actually I voted for Obama as much as anything because he wasn't the other guy. That's pretty much how the establishment has set up the rules to this game.
And a rigged game it is.
Anyone that thinks that there's this huge chasm of opposing agendas between the two major parties is kidding themselves.
Their agendas have been and will be the attaining and control of power in service to their corporate masters.
And if the unwashed masses are at each others throats assigning blame and accountability for perceived failings so much for the better. It makes it less likely that they have the energy to grab pitchforks and torches and head to Washington and hang some of these deluded, self serving, hypocritical motherfuckers from the highest yardarm.
I know, some of you are probably thinking well damn Doug that seems a bit over the top.
Perhaps...but wasn't it Patrick Henry that once said "the tree of liberty should infrequently be watered with the blood of tyrants"
It won't happen of course and I guess with good reason but it sounds cool.

rac said...

Doug, no truer words have ever been written on this blog.