Wednesday, February 25, 2009

POTW - Bathroom Buddy


DRL said...

Paul, don't look like he wants to share.

Joanna said...

Paul,Ooooooohhhhh! I can't stand them, I heard in Palau that they are huge.Even they're Gecko's. And that's where I want to visit again.My Palaun Bro Lincoln Orrukem lives there and I miss him and his fimily so much.

juliet said...

Is this the brown recluse spider? I think I have a vague memory that Clay got bit by one that was behind a picture frame or was that just some childhood fantasy that I got to be the nurse who took care of him. We have them over here too. Great photo!

Doug said...

Do you still have those snails all over the place? I can remember "hunting" them with a BB gun and they'd be like stuck halfway up the house or tree or whatever doing their snail thing and you'd pop 'em with a BB and they'd kind of like slide down real slow like leaving a trail of snail snot.
Hey, we never claimed to be champions of the environment.

mat said...

Actually Juliet Brown Recluse are much smaller and deadly. Thats one of those hairy brown wolf spiders. They live mostly in wood piles or rotting wod like in the old tin shacks like cruz store(the wood framing was usually pine and ate up from termites and when you would tear down the old house they would be everywhere). They will actually jump at you if you try to corner them.They'll put a hurt on you if you get bit but not deadly though. I hate em.

Ric Larson said...

What a way to wake up in the morning! Eeeeeek! (And I'm talking about me seeing this picture this morning). Freaked me out!

Paul said...

My wife says I'm a bad husband because I didn't jump in to kill it before she saw it :-).

The fact of the matter is that they give me the creeps too. My earliest memory was of one of these buggers in Hawaii at the impressionable age of 3.

Ric Larson said...

Paul, if you look really close, the thing has fangs!