Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cool Toys!!!

Driving back from lunch today I passed this cool puppy on the side of the road. While tightening the straps the driver said it operates down to 20,000ft, costs more then a mil and will be used to pickup engine parts from the B-52 that crashed on 7/21.

I want one :-)


Doug said...

Ummm....engine parts, riiight. Or maybe they'll be looking to recover something besides engine parts. Like maybe the highly advanced weapons guidance and avoidance technology that was almost surely onboard.
While it seems unlikely that the Russians could summon up the technological prowess to "salvage" something like that from this wreck I sure wouldn't put it past them trying.
Nice looking machine though. Can you imagine how deep the water where that aircraft ended up could be? Miles maybe.

Joanna said...

Not too many.They were banking and from what I heard,they we're playing around...they said they found bodies but,it was flotation devices and parts of people that they really found.They fell in 7 seconds after the wings snapped up.Theory ,that's all.

Ric Larson said...

You know that driver has a high security clearance and a hell of a lot of insurance. And probably had a bunch of G-men in dark sun glasses in trench coats watching his every move while delivering the toy, (especially when he mysteriously pulled over and you went to talk with him). ;)

That is a toy for big boys alright! I would bet between Mat Kalb and the Larsoooons, they could do something real cool with that puppy!

Once again, nice pic Paul!

mat said...

Oh yeah Ric! Like stuff that motor in my Caprice. And the Dept of Defense could care less about the engines, those things are a dime a dozen. Dougs right. And you can be sure our spooks are involved.

Joanna said...

Mat,unfortunately you are right.I hope your visit with Dave Larsooon went well.I look up to you guys:) Your part of the DC pillars of strength and down to Earth...Thank-You for being that way:)

Ric Larson said...

Mat, this is why I was hoping that you would have driven your Caprice to Vegas Baby. I just knew that you had to have a bad boy like this under the hood of your Caprice! :)