Saturday, September 13, 2008

Today we beat Guam

Thanks to Hurricane Ick gas prices today are at $5.40 a gallon.  I know that's got the island price beat don't it?


illustrationISM.... said...

   recently, it seems like
the american economy
is being 'CHICKEN LITTLE'...
volatile, frail and easily flustered!
   I was talking to a friend how big
has raised the prices in increments,
   (3 steps foward...2 steps back,
slowly boiling us... etc.
that we're so happy when
the gaS pri¢es drop
to $3.50 a gallon!

   I heard someone say at
the station say
"Wow, that's a great price!"
   AND NOW . . . UP

Ric Larson said...

Doug, that is one monster of a (STORM) Hurricane, with but 1/2 of the strength that Pamela had, it will be more devastating due to the low land elevation and massive population in Texas.

The Gulf is an oil rich industrial area, though the plat forms have proven there worth, the speculators with supply and demand will guide the price of gas.

Here in New York, the price has duped below four bucks a gallon. But the 'ripple effect' may soon come our way.

Joanna said...

Gas on Guam did drop for now.I use a card but,I'll let you know the exact price tomorrow.

mat said...

3.55 here in the Springs but going back up. Over here there just has to be talk of a storm and the prices go up.