Monday, July 20, 2009

Bowe Bergdahl

Let's keep Pfc Bergdahl in our prayers, or thoughts, or well wishes, or luck or kumbaya's or whatever each of us do. He's looking far too much like Daniel Pearl in this dreadful video.


mat said...

He is a great American and Patriot!I will keep him in my prayers.

DRL said...

All great American service personnel are. He will probably not make it out alive. It is my hope that Obama has the guts to go and get him no mater what. "No man left behind". I think Obama will try to use diplomacy.

juliet said...

There are alot of factors, I hope they can find a way to get him alive.

DRL said...

Yes Juliet, I hope they find him and send in a strike team.

Bring him home!

mat said...

Unfortunately its really not an option.When you sign up it's with the understanding that things like this might happen and you might be on your own if you get caught.Remember the POWs.We can neither confirm nor deny their existence.But we should pray for him anyways.Actually in the Army,you can be prosecuted if you don't try to escape.It's in your job description.

mat said...

And not only are you supposed to try to escape but you are supposed to inflict as much damage and casualties upon the enemy in the process.If you get captured again and tortured horribly or killed,so be it.The cause is greater than the person.I think thats what everybody doesn't get.Your supposed to give your Name,rank And Serial number.Period.

mat said...

Daniel Pearl was a civilian who put himself in the picture for the "story".As tragic as his horrible death was,he did what he thought he had to do.His employer offered to pay a ransom but his captors didn't do it for the money.I don't think a lot of people get that either.It was symbolic for them.Don't underestimate culture.These people we're at war with don't give a shit about our feelings towards them or their feelings about us.It's about their religious beliefs period.Death to us.They will always hate us and thats cool.Back at them.Just don't screw with us.If you do you will pay.

mat said...

No matter how we ended up in Iraq and Afghanistan we have a real opportunity to make a difference over there and in the "Grand Scheme of Things" in the world for future generations.Many of our sons and daughters have given their lives thus far and many more will.Don't let it be for nothing.

DRL said...

Mat I was going to say something like that, but didn't. I am glad you did.
An American solder, sailor, marine, or air man is not supposed to give up. He should have taken as many out as he could in his capture. I remember when the Colonel was captured in Lebanon. I was sitting next to my Grandfather (a retired Colonel, fought in 3 wars). He said right away that the Colonel should have fought. He had a side arm and never pulled it. Grandpa said that he would be killed anyway and should have gone out fighting. He was hung later. If he would have pulled his side arm and taken some of them out, they may have thought a little different next time.
This poor solder wandered off and got caught. If he would have put up the good fight, his comrades in arms may have been able to help him. We will never know, but I hope he does escape and can give the enemies position. Does carpet bombing come to mind for anyone? I don't care if it is a village. If the villagers know he is there and doesnt turn in those holing our man, they die too.

DRL said...

Mat you are so right. America has sent it's son's and daughter to war for many nations. Many who do not even like us. Look at Russia, Germany, France (all who fought against us in WWII). North Africa, China, and the list goes on and on. But if we pull out like in Vietnam, not only have we sacrificed for not, but the countries will fall back into radical Islamic hands. We will have failed those peoples too.

juliet said...

I lived in Karachi for three years. Pearl was reckless. That place was lawless and everyone moved about with an armed body guard. Sorry he died the way he did, could have been avoided like Matt points out. This young man is another case, I hope he makes it out and doesn't end up another gruesome side story to this war.

juliet said...

"Russia Germany and France all who fought against us" DRL we were in the WWII against the Germans and Russia and France were are allies

DRL said...

Juliet, yes.
Russia was not our allie, they were our enemies enemy. Look at the outcome of the war. Look at what happened when we had to fly supplies into Berlin. Russia was not our allei.
Germany, no qualm them.
We fought French forces in North Africa in WWII. We lost good men on the African continent from shots fired by French.
Like I said, I enjoyed studying history. Especially military history. Why do you think the French didn't fight the Germans, they allied with them.
Most people I talk to think that the French were on our side in WWII. It was the French Resistance that helped up with intelligence.

rac said...

Both France and the Soviet Union were part of the Allied Forces BEFORE the U.S. even entered the war. France fell to the Germans during the Battle of France in 1940. By UN Decleration the USSR remained part of the Big Four Allies (U.S., UK, China and USSR) throughout the war. The Allies were by definition those who opposed the Axis powers - it didn't mean we were sleeping with them.

DRL said...

Robert correct, but what I was getting at, is they were not our allies in any more sense than the word. It is like saying the Taliban was our allie, because they were fighting Russia. Or, President Hussein (the one that is dead) was our Allie, because he was fighting Iran.
And we did fight against France in WWII, they were not our allie in any sense. They allied themselves with Germany after the invasion of Germany. French men killed our men in action, that is not an allie in any way.

rac said...

The French First Army (de Tassigny) was the the southern flank of the Western Allied invasion of Germany.

rac said...

The French could not have allied with Germany after the Invasion of Germany as this marked the end of the war.

rac said...

Speaking of Pearl, anyone ever read the conspiracy theories about that dude Nick Berg's beheading being a fake? The story has it he was already dead when the CIA got a hold of him. So as not to let a good opportunity slip by they engaged in a little false flag ops. Pretty interesting story regardless of whether it's true or not. I recommend googling it if you're looking for a good read.

DRL said...

RAC, you are right. I meant the invasion of France. I think you knew that.
Anyway, Hitler signed an Armistice with France to prevent more fighting with France. The French were given Southern Franc and part of North Africa. When Paton came ashore at Morocco, he encountered the French Military. You may not know it was the French we fought, but it is true.
Google it and you will see. I can't think of any websites, but it is true, even if you don't know it.
Why do you think American Schools don't teach our kids that we fought the French in WWII. This is one reason I don't like the frogs. They are the same as the Russians and Germans in my eyes.

DRL said...

RAC, I can see the CIA doing something like that to get sympathy for a cause.

rac said...

The French regime you refer to was a collabritive government know as the Vichy regime. It controlled portions of Axis occupied territories until the Allied invasion - after which the Provisional Government of the French Republic took control of the entire country.

DRL said...

Yes RAC, and the government still signed an agreement with Germany. They did not fight them, but rather they fought us. The french killed Americas in WWII. No doubt about it.

DRL said...

RAC, I guess I am confused. Because Hitler came up with a different name for the French Government, that it was not the French we were fighting?
French citizens took up arms against America and you say it was someone else?
Was it really Germans?
You are an intelligent person. One of the smartest on this blog. Definitely much smarter than me, but you can't honestly say that the French who fought against us were really Germans, can you?

rac said...

The "agreement" you refer to was called an armistice. Basically they surrendered after Germany kicked their ass. The armistice did not turn over French forces to the Germans, unless of course you consider the 1.5 million French soldiers held as POW's during the occupation. Yes there were German sympathizers. The French are a bunch of pussies, I won't argue that. But your claims do not reflect actual history. France was an occupied territory during the war. They were not an Axis power. Look it up.

rac said...

Otherwise we wouldn't call what we did the Liberation of Paris.

DRL said...

All I was saying is French soldiers fought and killed American soldiers. They did under the control of Hitler, but they too could have surrendered and went to their death or POW camps. Instead, they chose to fight those who would ultimately liberate their country.