Monday, July 20, 2009

Date night.

While many Americans can't afford health care, food, medication, vacations, and yes, even date night, Obama spent more than $250,000 of these same Americans tax money to go on his date night.
How is it that he cares about the poor in America when he is frivolous with tax payer money.
The house he lives in has every thing for a date night, and he still goes on a spending spree with our money. Obama does not want 'change'. He will spend unearned money like it is his. He will continue to take his family on overseas vacations when most Americans can't afford to go on a vacation at all.


DRL said...

Yes, he is an elitist. Isn't it funny how we get upset when companies that took stimulus monies spend it on parties for the executives? Yet, Obama does the same thing. He lives on a house that is not good enough for a "date night". He could have gone to something near his house, but rather chose to flaunt his unnecessary and wasteful spending of American taxpayers hard earned money. He thinks he is a monarch.

DRL said...

Think of how many children could have been helped with that much money. If he cared, he would have watched a movie in he house, and had his personal chef cook him a fancy meal.

Does any one else remember when Michelle Obama bragging about having there own pastry chef in their house?

Sean said...

Date night in NYC, flying the entire family over to Europe for a diplomatic mission, Michelle the fashion icon (who pays for those clothes). Not a peep from the dinosaur media.

DRL said...

Sean, you are right.
She also has "advisers" who make near $200,000 a year.
I mentioned the vacation to Africa after stopping at a bunch of other countries. It cost us allot to send them on a vacation. He could have gone on official business, but to take his family, should be on him alone.

Her close are designer. Her tennis shoes cost $600.00, her hand bags are in the thousands of dollars. Where are the people that complained about Palin's cloths. Obama's are living the high life on the American tax payer.
Hey, remember Hitlers "Eagles Nest". I bet Obama has one of them too.
But why are the liberals giving Obama a pass???? That is a good question, isn't it.

DRL said...

I still think it is funny (in a sad way) when the liberals on this blog think it is fine that he lives the high life on our dollar, as long as he commits to his social programs.
I remember the same attitude with Clinton. When NOW was asked about the miss use of Clinton's authority for sexual advances with a subordinate, they said it was okay, because he is doing great things for women. Just prior to him being caught, he had an officer fired for the same thing. Consensual sex with a subordinate.
Same thing here, as long as Obama creates a socialist society, all is good.

Cindy said...

The Obama's are wealthy people...Obama has written 2 best selling books and his wife was an attorney. Why shouldn't they spend their money the way they want to?

DRL said...

Because of what they stand for.
If they were capitalist, then fine. But they are socialist. They campaigned on "change", when they are the status quo. If they believed in what they are pushing on us, they would not spend thousands on things that mean nothing, and donate them to the poor. How many shoes, purses, dresses, pants, and so on could they have bought with that money.
But, the "date night" money was not theirs, unless you propose because he is president, tax prayers money is now his money. Taxpayer payed for the date night. An extravagant night out that most Americans cant afford.
Cindy, it is strange that you want health care for everyone, while the man you campaigned for is spending money that could have cared for thousands of uninsured people.
You have strange priorities.
Maybe the next time he sends you a personal email, you can respond with a question about how he is frivolous with tax payers money. Oh, I forgot you support him in everything. Including extravagant date nights. He spent more on that trip than you house cost. It was almost 10 times what my house cost. And you are okay with that!

rac said...

Like Grandad use to say, don't argue with a fool 'cause folks a passin' by might not know which one is who. You're wasting your breath and your time, Cindy.

DRL said...

RAC, so now you are calling me a 'fool'.
Is that a step up from 'idiot' or down.

Your personal attacks will never stop will they.
I have a problem with our President frivolously spending taxpayer money on things like dates, and you call me the fool. hu?

DRL said...

The fool may be the person who supports such a man.

Doug said...

Yeah uh Sean it was rather clearly outlined that all family expenses on the european trip were born by the Obama family. The plane trip was free. I doubt it cost the taxpayer much more to load the kids onto Air Force One since it was kinda' headed that way anyway.
You make it sound as though he's the first President to ever take his family along on a diplomatic mission.
I'm all for legitimate criticism of our elected officials but some of this stuff you all are cooking up is lunacy.

Sean said...

Doug - I wasn't aware that he footed the bill for his family. Thanks for the info.

DRL said...

Doug me nether. Thanks.

But what I was waiting for was something like Gov. Sanford got about miss use of taxpayers money. See, it must be okay for the president to use taxpayers monies to go on a date, but no for Gov. Sanford.

juliet said...

It helps to get the facts before you make these slander posts.

DRL said...

Nothing slanderous about any of this. Was there any proof that Obama paid for every bit of his families expense? No, just someone saying it. We believe him with out proof. We know that Obama has misappropriated taxpayer funds for a date, is that slander? I think not.He spent more on the one trip than Gov. Stanford did.
It was a misappropriation of tax payer money.
Don't you agree?
If not, why is it wrong for Sanford and not Obama?
I would think Cindy would be all over Obama for this. Oh, I forgot, liberals think everything is okay as long as the candidate does what you want them to do. That is worse than the lobbyist. They do it for monetary gain.

Sean said...

"I resent that! Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel"
- J. Jonah Jameson

Sean said...

But, in any case it isn't libelous either. If you will read my post, I wrote "flying the entire family over to Europe for a diplomatic mission". No matter how you slice it, though, this added to the tax payers burden. Even if we didn't pay for their hotels, we still payed to fly over extra security, etc. The weekend in New York cost the tax payers a bundle. In the spirit of the "new openness in government" the white house has refused any figures.

DRL said...

Sean, don't try to correct those that do no wrong ;)
We have been personally attacked on the right, and no one on the left will admit they said anything wrong. Hey, that is just like they believe Obama has done nothing wrong!

DRL said...

Sean, and like I mentioned, if Gov. Sanford did wrong, so did Obama.
Cindy, weigh in on this would you :)

DRL said...

Any one else find it funny that the liberals said President Bush was an elected official and everything was fair game?
Now, it is libel to say anything about Obama.

DRL said...

What ever happened to the first amendment?
Oh, that only applies to liberals ;)

Sean said...

Bush couldn't play a round of golf without unanimous condemnation from the left.

DRL said...

I know, and look at the miss use of taxpayer money by Obama, and it is just all right, infact libel if you say anything about him.

juliet said...

The president's visits are in part good will tours and representative of Americana. The kids and his wife add a human interest side to the event that people of other countries can find common ground with and relate to. So I think it helps to soften the visits and increases the popularity of America abroad. Worth the money. I think the wives of presidents should draw a salary too.

Sean said...

What about his mother in law? You know she lives in the White House and went on the trip also? I am not aware of any other president's mother in law ever living in the White House.

Doug said...

Abe Lincoln's wife held seances where she conjured up dearly departed relatives. Does that count?

juliet said...

The Obama kids are young. The parents are educated and way more sensitive to the issues that famous families have to deal with. The first lady and the president are required and expected at many events. It makes sense to have a family member be there for the kids. No one except the parents would care more for safety and well being of those kids than the grandmother and in this day and age. If you want well balanced kids you can't just rely on strangers to help them develop and share their concerns with. It makes complete and total sense. You can not schedule a child's problems to be delt with on a calender. Anyway a few years back and many families would have a grandparent living with them especially after their husband or wife died. I think it is a win win all the way around. She did a good job with her own daughter. She should get a salary as well. 24 hour care is expensive. The last thing I would want is the Pres. to be worring about his kids when tough decisions are being made.

mat said...

Juliet thats such a crock.All the other First kids did just fine without nana living in the whitehouse.

DRL said...

Doug, After FDR's affair. His mother-in-law slept in a room that divided the Presidents room with his wife. She stayed married to him, but history says they never slept together again. How would you like that sentence on your life. NO WAY. I love my mother-in-law. Ric can tell you what neat in-laws I have. I would love to have her move in with us, and someday she probably will.

DRL said...

Juliet, don't tell anyone, but you sound like a conservative on this. Shhhhhhhhh, it is our secret ;)

mat said...

And yea 24 hour care IS expensive.So what,his kids are too good for Obamacare?Americas kids can be left with strangers and he will foot the bill at our expense but not his daughters Nooo.So The secret service are incapable of looking out for his girls?Nana shouldn't get a salary,she should get a bill for rent!Hahaha.

DRL said...

Oh, and this was meant to deal with the hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars they spent on a date.
As I said, in this economy, some peoples date night are now roasting hot dogs in the back yard, or renting a movie. And the Obama's elitist way of treating the taxpayer money as if they earned it. I am upset about that. Our vacation this year is going to be a great one, but it was spawned by my loss of income, after moving into an office job.

DRL said...

Yea Mat, My wife's parents take the kids as often as they can. They will take them up camping for a week, and in the winter at their home for a week. If I were to offer to give them any money for it, they would be hurt. I know, we have tried to even send food up, and they wouldn't hear of it. We all spend allot of time together, but none of us would think of a monetary gain. Now, I think what Juliet is saying is Nannies, Butlers, Maids and the like cost, and grandma would be a replacement for them, and so some pay could incur.
Grandma can stay at the white house just as wives and children can too. But, it is going even to Camp David that upsets me. We have paid for President to wine and dine for years, and I am tired of it. George W. Bush spent more time at his home in Texas than in the white house, and that cost the taxpayers millions of dollars when he has a fine house in D.C. that he can use. Why move the whole staff to Texas? That too is taxpayer money that could be better spent. Look at your own lives. If you don't waste money, you will have more to spend where it is "needed".
OOPS, gotta go, I am rambling again.

Ta ta for now