Saturday, July 25, 2009

What A Girl!

So rac decided to show his true colors and show just what this blog truly is.Yea you and dave started it and thanks for that for bringing us back in touch with each other. But truthfully it always was about you rac!You deleted DRL for expressing his opinion on a subject and said his comments were truly despicable.You yourself have said much worse.You called ME a piece of shit and told me to crawl back under a rock and well you get the idea.You're the real reason most of the alumni don't log in.FUCK YOU AND YOUR BLOG! I'M out! I will pray for you though because I like to think that everyone deserves a shot at redemption.I hope you find peace in your life.


juliet said...

No sorry I do not agree that RAC is the real reason that people do not blog here. I think they don't want to waste the time with belligerence and have better things to do with their time. Sorry, if you don't agree but some of the things that are said here under the guise of a political discussion would never fly face to face. I think they don't want to be professionally associated with some of the belligerence and personal attacks on this blog for which Drl is a major catalyst.

rac said...

DRL was not thrown off for expressing his opinion. He was kicked off for an unprovoked attack on a member. If you think it's OK to question a woman's mothering skills and call her despicable because you don't agree with her son then don't worry, you won't be missed either. Now maybe this blog can get back to what it was originally intended for.

juliet said...

Really lets get back on track. I bought a new scanner and have most of my childhood albums from my last visit home. I guess I will have to scan them on the album page because they seem to have become stuck and rip when I try to remove them. So I will get those out in the up comming weeks, I have some great letters from DC members the year I went off to go to school in Pittsburg. My dear mother saved them dispite the typhoon damage and mold.

rac said...

Typhoon damage and mold only verifies their authenticity. Now if only you could throw in some termite eggs.

juliet said...

Termite season on Guam. Nothing like a pan of water on the dinning room table under the light to catch them as the flew down in circles.

Pat said...

The thing is, I know DRL thinks he's gone because of his politics.
He called Cindy a bad mom for raising a bad son and she was despicable. That crossed way way over the line. I had to bite the bullet because I knew if I said something, I would have stooped to his level and I don't want to be that sort of person.
Good call Rac.

Dave said...

I wasn't aware that anyone was thrown off the blog. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Is this the first step in the liberals attempt at pulling the plug on people they disagree with or feel threatened by? I'm sure Cindy could have defended herself, as she has been shown to be most capable of so far. An unprovoked attack? As of lately, I think there has been enough smack talk to go around by several of our most distinguished members. The best way to respond to unpleasant words is to not respond at all. For crying out loud people, grow up already! What a self destructive bunch we are turning out to be.

juliet said...

Dave, freedom of speech is not about making false accusation about people and then getting off on having them defend themselves. What if .... for example, I started a campaign to call one of you a pedophile just because you post a link to a news video that may have had a reference to a scene in it and it dealt with that topic and then posted a comment to the effect. " How un-American of you to bring up that bit of factual information about our country You must be a terrorist and a pedophile." Or maybe I will just say that because you posted a picture of some young kids. "oh I guess we know you like little kids". He must be a pedophile. I heard he went to Thailand before and they have a child sex industry there. Oh, he is also a terrorist because he home schools his kids. Hahahahha wait and see. What if I continued to make direct references to that and other disgusting behavior and claim that is what you are all about. I don't think you would be claiming the right of freedom of speech on this blog.

Making statements about people that are just not true is wrong. Trying to use the label liberal or conservative as a crutch for credibility is not fooling anyone. It is just aggressive behavior to make someone feel uncomfortable and shocked so that they are in someway subdued and then the aggressor feels like he won the day. It is sick. This is not what freedom of speech is about. Don't try to use that as an excuse for totally off color, unacceptable behavior. Cindy shouldn't have to prove or defend she is a good mother, any more than her son, has to prove he is a patriotic American because he believes the democratic process is at work and alive and well in America. Drl is out of line and Dave really supporting that type of slander and demeaning commentary means so are you. So using the past as a measure of what you feel is acceptable for the future, which of you conservatives wants to be labeled a pedophile? I hear you have some former offenders in your conservative party. Try getting a job after that, if someone does a web search on you. This is a public blog and there is not enough time for casual readers to take the time and follow the threads that show how baseless the accusations are that are leveled at people by primarily drl and then applauded by his groupies. Get real, the Internet is no different than standing at a stadium full of people and having a microphone.

rac said...

Dave; this blog wasn't built to support the type of behaviour Juliet so eloquently describes. I really don't think that was your intention either. Open your eyes and try to see what's really been going on here. You're right about trying to ignore it, and if you look you'll see that as of late there has been no response to the LPK bothers rants. When was the last time you read a significant comment from Doug? But at the same time, someone can't even post a picture of the fucking eclipse without it turning into a bigoted rant by this gang. Read what DRL wrote about my sister and then tell me if that is acceptable behaviour. If you've let your ideology get in the way of common decency towards women then you are not the Dave I grew up with. You know, I could very well have responded to DRL by commenting on his own mother but I didn't. Part of growing up is knowing where to draw the line.

BTW Juliet, sounds like you have some juicy gossip. You should email me.

rac said...

You know Dave, if you really want a blog were abuse is the word of the day then you should start one. Sean has his little facebook thing going so maybe you can use that.

Sean said...

"I resent that! Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel."
J. Jonah Jameson


Joanna said...

RAC's not a girl.He's a man that finally got fed up with someone who is misogynistic. The attacks are often uncalled for and full of hatred.Subjects weren't fully read or understood so,responses were "out of context" and things just flew right over.Never to be understood,but why try commenting back if hate is already laid out.

rac said...

If you want to read the exchange which lead to all this go here.

Doug said...

So....does this mean Matt won't be in charge of the ribs next time?

Doug said...

And you can say whatever you'd like about this site but you gotta' admit it's not every blog that works words like "mysoginistic" into the discussion.

Dave said...

DRL may have been out of line or maybe he just says what he's thinking. rac, juliet and joanna lecturing on hate speech is about the most hypocritical thing I've heard on this blog yet. Go back and read some of your own words about others on the blog and then post them for all to see. What you'll find is that it almost always involves politics. There is a great divide when it comes to who's right or wrong in their left or right ideology, and history will prove that one or the other is wrong. So please stop all the intellectual lecturing every time you hear something you don't like, and get over it already. As for me, I'm staying put here on the blog, unless of course you all condemn me to the same fate as DRL.

juliet said...

Dave if you want to stay on both sides of the fence do that, but don't try to put me on the same level as drl. The rubbish statements that he has made about me far out weigh anything I may have said about him. You go back and do the reading. Really self control is something you learn as a child, drl appears to have missed that lesson. How do you deal with someone who thinks up rubbish to spread on the internet that has no factual data to support it. Dave, you either think it is okay to spread lies about someone to give yourself and your ajenda more credibility or you don't. Drl makes up really heinous stuff about people based on what ever little delusion or agenda is running through his head at the time. Now take for example if I were to call you a pedophile, child murderer, Muslim sympathiser, supporter of the 9/11 attacks, financial supporter of terror, unpatriotic, anti-American, socialist, and a Nazi, I will throw in some comments about your spouse and kids too. Are you going to just ignore that or try to defend yourself? I would think you might want to clarify or correct such a statements. That is the level of accusation that is thrown at me and then he cries victim when I or others jump on his case. He makes really serious allegations about me all the time and you I guess think that is just great because of some liberal label tossed at me. Try doing a google search and use your name and the word I mentioned before. If I were to continue to do that, pretty soon you might be connected with it whether it is true or not. That is why people have to have some factual basis for making statements. You can call me a hypocrite that would be a refreshing change from the other things I have been called for posting items that have some science or proof/ fact behind them. Drl is a loose cannon and just remember Dave, what people do with you they will do to you. You won't be sitting pretty on the fence forever.

Pat said...

Dougie there's more to life than food and sex....hold on, let me think;
PS, I'm making Guamanian chicken and red rice. fresh limes off my tree in lieu of lemon slices. yum yum

Doug said...

I go away for the weekend and this is what happens.
As a mere lackey I, like many on this site stand respectfully subordinate to the authority and associated responsibilities of the Blog creators.
Those that know me are well aware of my patent, fervent and inherent derision of those that practice censorship. I see censorship as an ultimate act of small minded cowardice committed by those who fear that their own thoughts and words would rightfully wither in the face of rational opposing thought.
That said... Sometimes you have to tell little Johnny that his words are inappropriate, offensive, and are so grievously lacking in decorum that he has the choice of shutting the hell up or having those in authority of doing the shutting up for him. An unpleasant, unsavory and unenviable while also altogether thankless task. I do not envy them for this responsibility.
I will not direct my comments at those that are unfortunately (at least temporarily) not in a position to defend themselves. In my opinion that would be poor form. Much like it's poor form in my opinion to make unfounded and malicious comments about innocent and uninvolved family members.
These types of comments would, back in the day, lead to the offending party collecting a deserved ass kicking. Apparently there are those among us that missed out on these type valuable life lessons.
Since this does not seem a viable option what other choice is there?
For my own perspective I hope the banished eventually find their way back. However much some of what is said by them may piss me off I at the same time attach great value to their perspective and point of view.
Sameness of thought makes for extremely unremarkable conversation.

Doug said...

you are so right. There's also smoking in the dark afterward :)

rac said...

Ric and mat made their own choice to leave. I stand by my actions on the other.

Doug said...

Well I for one will miss the comic relief he offered.
The line he had about those being opposed to child labor hating children was classic.
But you gotta' do what ya gotta' do.

Dave said...

Enough said. Next topic please...

Doug said...

All righty then. How about this.
Is my hatred of Tim Tebow irrational and unjustified?
When you have french fries with your burger do you squirt ketchup all over the fries or do you dunk the fry in the ketchup pool you have squirted next to the fries?
Heinz or Hunts?
If the Louvre truly is an art museum then why is there no velvet art there?
George Romero is the unrivaled genius of American cinema.