Friday, July 10, 2009

Is there a pattern emerging here?


DRL said...

The name Clinton come to mind.

Doug said...

Or that governor from South Carolina.

Ric Larson said...

If the Prez is 'sneaking a peak' at her (that) buttocks, he has such bad taste!

DRL said...

Yes Doug, that is how it starts. As stare, and invite and then adultery.

mat said...

I don't know that is some nice booty!Look but don't touch fellas.Hahahah.

Cindy said...

Geez guys give me a break....are all you holy married guys going to tell me you never look at other women...please!!! We all know Obama likes nice booties...look at the one his wife Michelle has! Matt, thanks for being honest!

DRL said...

Cindy, the fact that we are men and are attracted to women has nothing to do with this. Do you not understand that he is the leader of the free world? His is what should be known as a "role model". I have done my best to let my girls know their mother is the apple of my eye. She is the one that turns me on. Sure, other women are good looking, but not worth me staring at. The line of lust is crossed with a lengthy stare. I hope that you did not let your children know it was okay for a father, because he was a 'guy'.
I know my wife would set me on the ground with a well placed right hook if she caught me looking at other women like Obama does.

rac said...

Faithohomos. ;)

rac said...

I'm going to have to call bullshit on that DRL. I don't know you well but I know you well enough to know you're as big a hound dog as any other guy. You may not look when your wife is around but...

Also, I have a friend who likes to say that the higher they set the bar, the easier it is to crawl under. It's why Utah is the largest consumer of online porn.

DRL said...

RAC, you are right. I love the opposite sex. I think God designed them to be physically attractive to men. However, what I am saying is if a child watches their father staring at other women, how does it look? If a pastor were to get caught undressing women in the church, how long would he be there? See, that is want I am saying. If a bunch of guys are sitting around talking about some girl on TV, that is one thing, but to have a person in a position of authority or a role model publicly out of control, is a different.

Sean said...

UPDATE: Apparently, this "fine booty" our president is leering at is owned by a 16 year old girl - Mayora Tavares.

DRL said...

Thank you again Sean.
RAC, that is wrong in anyone's book, or at least it should be. That is a pedifile who does that. Every man, especially a father of a daughter knows that there is a very big line between women and children. Just as God made women attractive to men, he also established within us a protective side for the children.

rac said...

Maybe you should tell that to mat. He seems to be drawn to the beauty of this young girl. ;)

juliet said...

Are you sure he and the French Pres. are looking at her or the step.

DRL said...

RAC, I see you did not seem to have a problem with the President, but with Mat.
Mat saw her from the photo. Our President saw her form the front first. He probably knew of her, for her to get that close. But to watch a young girl come up toward him, then to stare with lust after her is still sick.

rac said...

I don't have a problem with either for I am not my brothers' keeper.

DRL said...

RAC, It is ironic (for lack of a better term) that you would quote what Kane said to God after he killed Able????

Pat said...

get over it guys! If you're not looking why then all the comments? That was a snap shot. He coulda been looking at a spider on the ground. Crawl under the bar and drink your kool-aid together.

Joanna said...

Rac,Cindy,Doug and Juliet,Your comments sraightened out this "pattern" conspiracy.Thank-You for that:)sigh...

Sean said...

Cindy - since you bring up Michelle's bootie...

Obama is probably thinking, "hey, where's the rest of it?". Judging from the photo of MO getting on Air Force 1 (see drudgereport)

rac said...

Rev. Moon's GOP Washington Times clarifies booty pic.

mat said...

Its still a mighty fine booty.
Lighten up guys.How would anyone know if she was sixteen or twenty six.I had to have another look myself.And there might have been a spider on the ground but I don't think his eyes made it that far down to know.Hahaha.

Joanna said...

It was on yahoo.The video proved he was watching the steps for the young lady behind him as she stepped down.

Dave said...

The video doesn't prove anything. Only BHO knows where his obamavision was focused..

Doug said...

Seems to me others have already made that determination.

Joanna said...

So Dave,You have never looked at another ladies behind in your married life? I call you know what on you. I'm sure that you looked at plenty when you were alone.
BTW,Alice is here along with my nephew! That is seperate from your attack on our President.

juliet said...

HI Jo say Hi to Alice and Brandon. Get some photos going.

Joanna said...

Will do Juliet.She was pleasently surprised that we all got together at Ypao. She remembers fond things about you and Dean's Circle rats:)