Thursday, July 9, 2009

Do you think this is just righties?


Pat said...

wow such pretty colors but I thought we were the red and the blue states not the red and the green states 0)

Doug said...

This is vital information for those among us that tend to formulate their opinions based upon the apparent sentiment of others.

Doug said...

I wonder what Sarah Palin's approval rating would look like today.
Oops sorry, wrong thread.

Pat said...

hahaha Doug

DRL said...

yea, these are christmas colors, and I don't think Obam sees this like christmas. :)

DRL said...

Sarah Palin's numbers are lower I think, but it doesn't mater to her for a couple years.
Obama has been upsetting his own base.
He has lied about taxing the poor, and as long as he continues to lie, his approval rating will drop.

rac said...

Gee, maybe he should just quit. How can he possibly do his job under such adverse conditions.

DRL said...

I have heard it said, "statistically, statistics are statistical at best".

rac said...

The latest Gallup Poll has his approval rating down but still at a very respectable 57%. I wouldn't break out the Champagne quite yet Sean.

DRL said...

Come on Sean, you know I believe this poll is true, but that was funny!

rac said...

And figures never lie but liars figure.

DRL said...

Good one RAC!!! ha, oh so true.

Pat said...

Yea Rac, The poor man should just quit, what with his approval rating being so low in the Deans circle rats gang. something like 65%?

Sean said...

Hey you 65-percenters - just what is it about Obama's performance that you approve of? What are the great decisions he's made, actions he's taken, "changes" he's enacted that you are happy about?

Doug said...

He's not George W. Bush.

rac said...

I mostly like the fact he's driving the Right ape-shit crazy.

Pat said...

Lol ! I love the fact he's driving the righties ape shit. And he's not A bush!

Pat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sean said...

Sean is once again blown away by the great reasoning and great debating skills of the DC lefties... (not)

Pat said...

Awww Sean. don't take it too hard darlin.

Pat said...

And Sean why do you speak of yourself in the 3RD person? It's kinda cute:) I'm thinking I'm gonna start doing that.

Sean said...

Pat - that posting was in the "FacePage" style, not any sort of royal third person.

Pat said...

I still think It's cute.

DRL said...

The fact is that his support is declining. He has lied about jobs and taxes. People don't like being lied to.

Sean said...

DRL - I don't think most people even realize they've been lied to - they simply aren't paying attention (ignorant) or they choose to pretend everything is perfect ("ignore-it").

Doug said...

You know Sean just because someone doesn't share your ideology it doesn't necessarily mean that they're ignorant or blithely apathetic.
You criticize the "debating skills" of others by resorting to being condescending. Hardly the stuff of Roberts Rules Of Order.
You have been critical of the new guy since day one. What did your party offer? A candidate that in October of last year told us that the fundamentals of the economy were strong. Two weeks later that same party spearheaded an $800 billion taxpayer funded bailout of the under regulated financial and credit industry that helped to precipitate this river of shit in which we now swim. Roughly half of which has vanished. No one seems to know where it went. Funny but I don't hear you & the others bitching about that. Instead we are regaled with righteous hand wringing over the President checking out some ladies butt and malicious, unfounded rhetoric of how much he hates Christians.
Obama isn't perfect. I never said or implied as much. I don't know anyone that has for that matter. This is what you get when you're sitting at a table in a rigged game.

DRL said...

Doug, no one on the right said that our nominee was the best that could have been offered. The point here is Obama has lied continuously since he has taken office. He has numerous times gone overseas (a-broad, he he) and apologized for Americas past. He has cut jobs, and not created enough to compensate. I would like to see someone on the left acknowledge this. At least those of us on the right admit when one of ours messes up. Lefties can't or won't.

Sean said...

Doug - My comment wasn't necessarily aimed at you, per say. However, I do think the vast majority of Obama supporters simply aren't paying attention to what he says AND DOES. It is a complete disparity between his actions and his words, Mind you, his words are surely bad enough. the fact that people buy into this crap about global warming, wealth redistribution and government-controlled healthcare absolutely points to an ignorance of how the world really works or a choice to simply ignore the knowledge in deference to one's "feelings".

Joanna said...

Doug's an independent so lay off of him.

rac said...

Sean, the fact you are so obsessed with Obama tells me you are just as ignorant as to how the world really works. The only difference between you and "them" is you get your opinion from a different TV station.

DRL said...

Wow Doug, you are hands off because you are an "independent". Haaaaaaaa
What is going on with that. Only Democrats and Republicans can be involved in the political debate?

Doug said...

I think over time I've shown myself capable of some semblance of intelligent conversation.
Unless you are under a medical doctors diagnosis for leprosy then you needn't consider me as "hands off".
Fire for effect.

Joanna said...

I think that Doug is patriotic.He's smart and very precise in his opinions that he states here. It's not like he's not included but,quite to the contrary. He knows how he thinks and feels.Except it.

DRL said...

Doug, I do think you are one of the most intelligent people on here, no one would doubt that. I was referring to Joanna's comment is all.
Shot over the bow.

Joanna said...

As usual. You people are scared to have a President that is intellectual and half Black.You are racist at best. Get over it!

mat said...

There gos that racist card again.WTF Jo.I have a half black grandson and a half Mexican grandson and would love for either one to be president.You just show your ignorance on the issues and use remarks like that out of desperation.

Ric Larson said...

I hate it when someone plays the race card. (I am married to a beauty that is loaded with Mexican blood). Playing the race card is a cop out. And the one whom plays the race card is probably more racist than the ones that they are accusing of playing the race card.

Ric Larson said...

No, …wait…hold on!

I am a white male conservative, married to some one loaded with other than the white persuasion (just like you Mat)? Guess I am a hypocrite Jo? White conservatives are only suppose to be married to whites…. right? Aren’t we supposed to be the racists’ party?

Well, let me tell you folks, it is the conservatives and Republicans that signed the ‘equal rights movement’ into law.

DRL said...

Joanna, I have called you on your hate speech in the past. Stop calling people racist. It is one of the worst things you can do. You have a problem, talk to someone.
Why can't anyone on the left call Joanna on what diatribe she is on?
Or do you agree with her?

DRL said...

I have some serious questions here.
Why is it only the lefties that have a problem with race? Why is it the liberals that notice skin color? Dr. King wanted a "color blind society". Why is it the conservatives that have no problem with skin color?

Ric Larson said...

Question: Why can't anyone on the left call Joanna on what diatribe she is on?

Answer: They just don’t operate that way DRL, hardly ever have and hardly ever will.

Ric Larson said...

You know DRL, as I now sit in the back yard of my Westchester County, New York 1.50-acre estate by a campfire(richest County in the Country), sipping on a martini and petting a doggie, I realize that the liberals will respond to Jo’s statement. But they must first think of how to respond to it and justify her response. As I swirl, sniff and sip my martini, I anxiously await their response. Did I mention that I live in the richest County in the US of A, just next to the Clinton’s (Thanks Doug for reminding me of this fact)? ;)

Ric Larson said...

Oh, and did I also mention that when I sip wine and tea with my pompous-ass neighbors, I always hold my little pinky in the air as I sip? The majority of the rich Democrats in Westchester County like it that way. Sick, aint it?

Ric Larson said...

OK, so I stand corrected; I live in the 12th richest County in the US of A. Who cares right?

DRL said...

Ric, I know you lie. You don't have a dog. Haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ric Larson said...

DRL, and here I thought I would be able to sell a bridge in Brooklyn? You’re a smart cookie! Love ya brother! ;)

DRL said...

Ric, I know you miss Spike Man, and wish you would adopt another.
I love you too.