Monday, July 20, 2009

Prime Minister Netanyahu tells Obama to stay out of Israel's politics.

Obama wants Israel to give up land, again. Remember when President Clinton talked Israel into giving up land for the Palestinians? Bill Clinton said that it would lead to peace. Diplomacy is all that was needed for peace. Look at the place now. It took a wall to get some semblance of peace, and still the Palestinians attack Israel on a constant basis.
Now, Israel wants to build there people (yes it consists of Palestinians too) housing, and Obama tried to tell Israel how to conduct its business. I am glad Israel has the fortitude to tell Obama to shove off.

America was Israels only allie, until now. Obama has taken out of that roll. I knew that Obama cares more for the Muslim world than the Jewdao/Christian world. If Israel needs an allie to fight a war, I would hope we would have been on the front line with them. Obama will support the other side.


juliet said...

OMG drl you need to get over here and see first hand Israel and their occupied territory.

DRL said...

First of all, why are you defending a people that kill innocent men and women on the streets and coffee shops. Like I said, my friend from Jordan think the Israel have a right to protect themself. He has a house in Jerusalem, and he knows better than you do.
There is no "occupied territory". It is all their land. They were given land in 1948 and 5 countries (including the one you live in) attacked them repeatedly. Allot of the captured land was given back in the peace treaties, but it is Israel's land. The Palestinian are Arab by blood. There are no "Palestinians" left. After the 70 A.D. rebellion, Rome called the land that was Israel, "Palestine" to insult the Jews. Palestine is an old word for the "Philistines" which were European by inventory, moved south for the trade routes. They were completely wiped out. But, the 'palestinians' there now are not Philistines. It is Israel's land.

DRL said...

But I find it unconscionable that you or anyone would defend the Palestinians. They are a ruthless people. You would like to see Israel pushed into the sea, if you stand for the Palestinians. That is one of the worst thing you can say.
Quit using words like "occupied" just to make Israel look like they were the ones that invaded other countries, when you know they only defended them self after being attacked. Even on Yon Kapoor, there holy day.

DRL said...

OOPS, that should have been "Yom Kippur. Didn't notice it till I published the comment. Why didn't the spell check get it?????
Oh, well, not the first and not the last, I am sure.

juliet said...

Drl check the boundary lines that Israel had at the creation of the state of Israel and compare it to what they have today. Read what I wrote and then read what you said I wrote and see if they are even remotely connected. It is not neccessary to make up things about others to highlight a point you want to make. You can make a statement or present an idea of your own it doesn't have to be at the expense of trying to make someone else look bad.

DRL said...

Juliet, sorry if I took what you said wrong. I in no way meant to come at you wrong. I know the boundary lines, and what was taken during the proceeding attacks. They kept what they needed to for security only. They have given some of it up, and continue to be attacked. If they gave up all the land to to the 1948 border, they would continue to be attacked. I know that, because that is what happened in the past, when they had the borders plotted out. Most of the land was owned already by Zionist, who paid for the land and legally owned it.
So, if I took you wrong I apologize.

DRL said...

Oh, and is anyone saying that Obama has more to say than the Israeli government???
I love Netanyahu, he takes no guff from anyone. I believe he will make great strives in Israel's security.

DRL said...

It was also funny that when Obama won the election, Gilligan (President of Iran) sent Obama a message to congratulate him. Then after the fixed elections, Obama thought he could influence his new friend, but Gilligan once again told him to bug off.

Obama has no political friends in other countries. They all know about him.

Ric Larson said...

Some one please help me to refresh my memory. Doesn’t it say somewhere in the Bible “any nation that goes against Israel will fall”?

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Doug said...

So now you advance the idea that we should use the Bible in dictating major foreign policy decisions in the Mideast.
Look, I don't argue that the US & Israel are close allies. I do have a problem with the idea that whatever Israel says goes.
That is unless you feel that this is not to be a partnership but instead we should take a subservient role to another nation based upon Biblical teachings.
Not for nothing there Ric but it's countries like Iran that make their decisions based largely upon religious beliefs.

Doug said...

if you ever find yourself with some free time google USS Liberty.

Ric Larson said...

I hear what you are saying Doug.

DRL said...

Ric, I agree with Doug and you both.
Yes, The Bible does say that God will protect Israel. However, he also has let Israel fall, and be taken into captivity before. But the other part of that is, God has promised to bless any country that stands with Israel.
Now to Doug's point. I agree that our alliances are and should not be Biblically based. We should be allied with Israel, because they will have our back, if needed. They are actually a great business partner with many American interests. That will be protecting our economy.
We have been closer with Israel than about any other nation has been, and to drop it now because Obama is sympathetic to the Muslims is just as wrong.
Back to Ric's point. If you don't believe what the Bible says, it doesn't mater to you what is says. If you do, then you know that the worst thing we can do is turn our back on Israel.
Now a bit deeper. America is not mentioned in Biblical prophecy. We are not there when the nations come against Israel. Take that part for what you will. See, when all this comes about, I won't be here anyway.

juliet said...

Great buisness partners, Do you know how much USA taxpayer aid goes to Isreal? Take a guess...Great partners that send your dollars to private pockets. Really just guess how much and post it here.

DRL said...

Juliet, sounds like you are on the Palestinians side here. We send aid to many countries that has no return at all. We do have return with Israel.
Look at the monies we throw away in other countries, is that okay with you.
In fact, some of the countries we financially assist, hate us.
I still find it hard to believe you would take Palestinians side on this. Wow!

juliet said...

Try to stay focused Drl, What is the amount of aid we send to Isreal.

DRL said...

I don't care, because we have gain from it. How much is sent to Palestinians? $815,000,000.
And what do we benefit from it? Death.
Please get your fact straight. If you support the Palestinians you are on the wrong side.

DRL said...

The Palestinians are terrorist who kill innocent men, women and especially children. They target weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. You know that they are terrorists.
That is like you saying you support the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

juliet said...

Drl that is an interesting point but I am not sure of what specific gains your are talking of. Could you list how the USA benifites in this situation. We send billions.

DRL said...

Juliet, first my point is we gain from an alliance with Israel, not with most of the other countries we give freely to, just to have them hate us, attack us, etc.

Now please answer my question. What is wrong with trading with and giving aid to Israel?