Friday, July 17, 2009

Whatever happened to "freedom of choice"?

In the proposed healthcare legislation - Section 401. Any individual (or family) that does not have health insurance would have to pay a new tax, roughly equal to the smaller of 2.5% of your income or the cost of a health insurance plan.

Lefties have been screaming about freedom of choice for decades, why are they now throwing it all away in favor of government control of their bodies? computerized health records, government mandated health plans, elimination of the free market... Isn't this in direct opposition to their entire notion of right to privacy and freedom of choice?


Ric Larson said...

You made a good point Sean on this one? Will some lib pretty please answer this or elaborate on it?

DRL said...

One other thing that I just heard about, is, under the Obama Health Care, if you don't have health care when this comes out, you can not buy any private plan. (man, that was a lot of commas)
So, if "choice" is what is true, then whey couldn't you chose to opt out of the socialized health care???

DRL said...

Oh, one other thing.
Obama always says something like, "Let me be perfectly clear".
What has he been clear on yet?
Was he clear on the stimulus package (when he did not allow it to be read before voted on)?
Is he clear on Health Care? No one is sure what it contains ether.

DRL said...

I was thinking about this on the way to work.
How many minority appointees did the Democratic Senate send through without lamb basting???

Once again, they are the party of prejudice. Always have been and will be (it looks like).

juliet said...

You get the part about OPTIONAL you can still have your private plan.

Doug said...

"lamb basting" mmmm lamb.

Sean said...

Juliet - that sounds about like "well, you can still send your kids to private school". Of course, but you still ALSO pay for the public school.

Sean said...

And, that's one thing when it is you paying the taxes for public schools and also the tuition for the private schools (bad enough). It is another thing to expect your employer to shell out for "private" health insurance when it is provided "free" by the government.

And, by the way, in an earlier comment you said that employers subsidize healthcare. That's really not the case. An employer has to pay for labor. This includes salary, payroll taxes, 401K, pension, benefits, health insurance, etc. The employer sees this altogether as a "fully burdened cost" for the labor. The fact that some parts of this cost are in your base salary, or taxes paid, or health insurance is really irrelevant. If they add up to 100K, then that is the cost of your labor. Somewhere along the line, employers added healthcare to the mix in order to compete for workers. It became "the norm". When labor market is tight, benefits increase. When there are more workers than jobs, benefits tend to decrease. But in no case, is the employer "giving" this to you. It is simply included in the full amount the employer is willing to pay for your labor.

On the other hand... when you are working in a job with no health benefit and you do not purchase your own coverage and you show up at the ER for your "free treatment" then it is the federal government and the healthcare industry who are subsidizing (willingly and unwillingly) your labor cost. You might get $10 an hour to bake bread, but your fully burdened cost is much higher. The bakery doesn't pay it, though, it is the federal government or the ER that pays it. If this "free service" is eliminated, then the bakers will demand more, the bakeries will hav to pay more (cause they compete for labor) and the price of bread will go up. As it should. On the other hand, the tax burden will go down and the healthcare costs for the rest of us will also go down.

If people decide that bread is then too expensive and they stop buying it or decide to bake it a home. So be it! That is the way of the free market. Goods and services survive, thrive and die based on their own merits and value to consumers, not because they are chosen to survive by our government.

DRL said...

Doug, I know. This will get Mat slobbering. I can hear him now. "BONITAAAAAAAAAAAA, FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! I already have my beer, but I need FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD"!!!!!

You know I love you Mat.

DRL said...

Yes Juliet, I saw that. The problem is small business that is struggling now, may dump insurance as a fringe benefit. If they do this before Obama's health care, and the employee can't afford private at that time, they will never again be able to have private insurance again.
Also, those who are uninsured now, because they are on hard times. Unemployment is as high as 25% in parts of America. Those people will not be allowed to buy private health insurance when they get on their feet. Obama will not let them have that choice.

Cindy said...

Why are you guys saying "this or that" is going to happen. From what I am understanding they are working on legislation changes every day. I don't think we can judge until there is a final bill for Obama to sign. You guys remind me of Chicken Little, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" Or how about Eeyore "Oh dear, life as we love and know it is Over".

Sean said...

Cindy, by the time a bill is passed by congress there will no longer be any opportunity to influence it. Now is the time to become informed with the contents of this bill and decide whether it is something we want.

I also remind you that the congress DIDN'T EVEN READ the cap/trade bill before voting on it. It was not possible to do so the way our exalted and glorious speaker is pushing this through the system. Bipartisanship is completely abandoned. Transparency is nowhere to be found. So, please don't sit back and wait until it is too late.

juliet said...

Yes we all have to pay for public school because we all benifite as a society from educated members that go on to be doctors and such. Unless you want to fund your own Utopia.

mat said...

MMMmmm.Lamb.Yep and beer and fresh baked bread.back at you DRL.But Sean,Give it up.They don't get it.Well actually they do.As usual they think we don't and thank God they're here for us.Sheeesh.Sean is absolutely correct.Why would an employer offer coveage if he doesn't have to.Thats a no brainer.Actually.It's gonna be more like youll have to provide proof of coverage under one of uncle Sams plans to be eligible for hire.Like passing a background check.Or a drug test.Now you know what "wait for it" means.Thanks Sean for that segue.For those of you that don't have insurance then Yay right.Wrong.You think it'll be free?Hahaha.The wealthy will still go anywhere to have their care because they can afford it right.So what happens when One of us wih Obama care tries to see a doctor?How many doctors are gonna line up to see you with the govs record with claims processing?Hmm?So you know what will come next right?Doctors will be prohibited by law from seeing patients outside of the "Plan".Get it folks?This will part of their licensure requirements.Don't believe us?Wait for it!Be careful what you wish for.Now who wants their Utopia?I just want to be left alone to succeed or fail based on my own merits and efforts.

DRL said...

Sean, the problem that I have shown in the past, is empathy.
They don't care, as long as it is a socialist program. Not only did the Cap and Trade pass without being read, so too did the Stimulus package pass without being read, and look at the corruption from it.

Also no transparency!

DRL said...

Juliet, American public schools are amongst the last in the world. Our socialized forced education has not and will not compete with other countries. Home schooled kids do the best in America. Second are private schools (Most of whom cost less than public schools. Teachers get paid less than socialized school teachers). American socialized schools do not turn out the best of the best anymore. And this is what you are saying we need to support. Do you think the socialized health care will do the same?