Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pope calls for New World [Economic] Order

VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday called for a radical rethinking of the global economy, criticizing a growing divide between rich and poor and urging the establishment of a “true world political authority” to oversee the economy and work for the “common good.” continue...


Pat said...

Hail hail to the Pope!

Doug said...

"...Still, he added, “if the encyclical had come out before the crisis, you would have said it was prophetic.”
BUT, it didn't and so instead we'll call it an "encyclical" which should give an official and authoritative air to what are really little more than random musings from the important guy with the pointy hat.

rac said...

So we can say the Pope has 20/20 hindsight?

Pat said...

May be random musings Doug but, millions listen to those "musings" and take heart. and they like his pointy hat too.

DRL said...


rac said...

What you wrongly assume DRL is that I posted this because I oppose the Pope. When in fact, it is you who oppose his message. I'm probably one of the few working class people you'll ever meet who wholeheartedly supports the creation of a New World Order. And besides, I love Catholicism. It's the only real version of Christianity there is. Catholics get it - and they should - they invented it.

DRL said...

RAC, the difference between Loving and believing Catholicism is what makes the difference.

Oh, and remember that the Roman Catholic church and the Greek Orthodox Church split. At one time it was known as the 'Nazarene sect'. The term Christian was given as a slang term by the people of Corinth.

rac said...

Are saying you believe in Catholicism?

DRL said...

RAC, yes. I am not Roman Catholic, but all Christians are Catholic by definition. Remember, Catholic means Universal. It was to describe all the different Christian church's. I do not follow or believe in many of the doctrine. However, the similarity of Roman Catholic and Protestant is the belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. I do believe the same general theology. Remember the break between the two was over non Biblical doctrine.

rac said...

So then you believe in the infallibility of the Pope?

"In his encyclical Humani Generis (1950), my predecessor Pius XII has already affirmed that there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of the faith regarding man and his vocation, provided that we do not lose sight of certain fixed points....Today, more than a half-century after the appearance of that encyclical, some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis. In fact it is remarkable that this theory has had progressively greater influence on the spirit of researchers, following a series of discoveries in different scholarly disciplines. The convergence in the results of these independent studies – which was neither planned nor sought – constitutes in itself a significant argument in favor of the theory." Pope John Paul II

Joanna said...

Wow Rac,You know your stuff!!!

DRL said...

Joanna he does not know his "stuff". That is why we are having this discussion. Wait for the end or jump into the conversation, but don't say RAC knows his stuff, when he is asking me a theological question.

DRL said...

RAC, No, I do not believe the Pope is infallible. I believe he is as human as you and I. I said that I did not believe many of their doctrine. The doctrine of infallibility is not scriptural. Peter, who the Roman Catholic believe to have been the first pope was made many faith related mistakes. So, no, I don't.
There are many other doctrinal disagreements between Roman Catholic and Protestants. But so are there between the Protestant denominations.

rac said...

DRL, I was not asking you a theological question, I was pointing out the circular aspect of your argument. No offense but I would not come to you with a theological inquiry. Although I give you credit for your Biblical knowledge, IMO you have only surface level comprehension of its meaning. My interest in religions goes much deeper than your current level of understanding.

Dave said...

obamatholic: new religion of the supreme leader.. pope hussein.
obamabucks: new currency of the new world odor.

rac said...

Baracamp: the FEMA run concentration camps where those who's last name starts with Larson will live out their last days in hard labor.

rac said...

Dave, I thought an obamatholic was someone with a koolobamaid addiction?

mat said...

Well I'm Catholic by baptism{its not like being a Jew where youre born one).But the comments seem to point towards my religion so hey I'll take it anyway I can.Yay me!hahaha.Thank you one and all!

mat said...

Well I'm Catholic by baptism{its not like being a Jew where youre born one).But the comments seem to point towards my religion so hey I'll take it anyway I can.Yay me!hahaha.Thank you one and all!

Joanna said...

Catholicism is a branch of Judaism. All Christian beliefs spring from Judaism.As for not being "theological" enough,well that's an opinion that I personally disagree with.A single God is the difference that came about through history as for what they taught me at U.O.G.

DRL said...

RAC, No offence taken, however Theology is the study of God. Any question of "religion" is a theological question. I know you do not believe in Christianity, or a monotheistic God. I have studied about every major religion. I know more than you would guess. I love a good Theological discussion, regardless of its origin.

DRL said...

Joanna, Yes, Catholicism came out of the Jewish "Nazarene" sect. Roman Catholic came form the split with the Orthodox Church. All Christianity has its roots in Judaism, Jesus was a Jew.
no one is 'theological enough'. If anyone thinks they have reached the pinnacle of their religion/belief they are wrong.
You are right, Monotheism is a historical fact. Adam and Eve walked the garden with a single deity. They did not believe in a group of Gods, but a single one "Elohim".