Monday, February 25, 2008

Dave in Retirement

After 30 years of service, Dave was having a hard time letting go.


juliet said...

Congratulations! Dave have you really retired? Wow the end of an era. You are way to young to hang around the house, I guess you will be starting a new career.

pat said...

that's way too cute. I love to canoe, so I'll be on the lookout for you Dave.

DRL said...

Ha, thats funny!

RACMISTER, you come up with the coolest pic's. Just hope DAVE dosn't beat you up, that's a Marine in the dingy.

juliet said...

Pat do you have those giant 'gators' that I see on Animal planet around you. They look like they could push over a canoe. Any Gator stories.

pat said...

yes Juliet, canoed down the peace river here, about 10 times now. Would often see this real big guy sunning himself on one certain bank. They don't bother you though. we would camp along the river and never had one come in the tent and try to eat me. Although there were times when i wished one had come in and gobbled up my boyfriend. One time we got stuck in this weird 1/4 mile stretch of lily pads which roots went all the way down. we couldn't paddle through them so had to jump out and push and pull the canoe. I wasn't so much worried about the gators, but the spiders were all over us. Ugh! not fun. boyfriend wanted to call 911 and I wouldn't let him. we toughed it out and survived. LOL

Cindy said...

Robert could tell a good story about the time when we first moved here and he tried to feed a gator in the canal behind our house with a piece of chicken on the end of a fishing pole. The gator came out of the water after Robert...I never saw Robert run that fast

DRL said...

Cindy, then you must not have been there when her husband came home early. WOW can that RAC runnnnn!
Whoa, just kidding!

Ric Larson said...

Dave, great success to you in your transition from military life to civilian life! Congrats!

RAC, your amazing! What a creative mind you have!

amy said...

tff lmfao omg too funny

Dave said...

I've got your number RAC....

DRL said...

Dave, as for this being a Coast Guard vessel, piloted by a Marine, without the proper flotation device. If he were to fire the 50 cal., what coast line would he land on?

Ric Larson said...

One little squeeze on that '50 Cal. buttlerfly trigger', that little boat will brake a speed record at sea going backwards!