Thursday, February 7, 2008

Marriage: It's Only Going to Get Worse

There's a new study out showing couples find each other more irritating and demanding the longer they're together. What's funny is those stupid scientist could have saved themselves a whole bunch of time and money. All they had to do was ask and I would have been more than happy to hand over my own research into this subject. I'm pretty sure my 2.5 sets of divorce papers would have told them all they needed to know.


juliet said...

I think it gets better, but it's still early days yet, we've only been married for 22 years. There is a lot less pressure once the kids are on their own.

mat said...

27 years and counting! And like Juliet said once the kids are gone it gets even better.But then the kids start having their own crisis and start showing back up on the doorstep.....

Doug said...

I feel like a newlywed at 20 years. I am seriously impressed.

rac said...

...and now I feel like such a loser. You guys are f#@&ing killin' me here.

amy said...

well i met my ex when i was only 14 and it was love at first sight got married at 18 had three beautiful kids together bought a house and got our first dog seemed like the perfect family until he got a motorcycle lol he went on alot of bike runs met alot of woman did not want to be married anymore. yep it can happen to anyone. now hes been with his biker slut for the last 2 years. oh well life does go on and it gets better with age.i have thanked him now i am free

juliet said...

Well I think you can't make something work if you both arn't willing. Your better off to move on. My mother dumped my father after 27 years. Amy sounds like your husband did the classic mid life crisis thing. My husband was single in Thailand for 8 years before he met me so I don't think he feels he missed out on anything but if he ever did I would comb his hair with a frying pan! You are really showing your kids and the rest of us that you can move forward. I would probably spontaneously combust

Ric Larson said...

I can not imagine being with anyone else but my...'little snuggles bunny', Teresa my wife! Marriage is a great institution...until she says, "we need to talk"! I am a lucky man, the 2nd time around! The 1st marriage is not up for discussion...ever!

Cindy said...

RAC, I think we've just done a bad job with our picking. You would have thought that since our parents had such a successful marriage we would have learned from their example and done a better job. I always get a kick out of the older couples I often see in the grocery stores here openly arguing with each other over what to buy and acting throughly annoyed and fed up with each other.

pat said...

Yes, marriage or no, you can still be totally annoyed by the things u thought were cute at first. Dad always told me I couldn't go back and never regret. It's really hard not to regret.

amy said...

you guys all know the story of my parents dont you. they both went thru bad divorces the first time. my mom had three kids under the age of 4 and had to go to work so she ended up being my dads secretary and 6 weeks later they were married and moved all the way to guam and had me and they still in love today

Ric Larson said...

No Amy, I never knew the story about your parents. But from what you are saying...that is true love! You are blessed to have such wonderful parents!

rac said...

So Amy, I guess that would make Wendy and Nancy each a sister from another mister? I never knew.

rac said...

Yep, Harleys and the people who ride them are evil. Just kidding DRL.

amy said...

all three of my siblings had the same father but he was a cheater. my mom snuk in the back of their station wagon one night and hid then her hubby took off and went and got his slut and parked somewhere and right in the middle of them having sex my mom popped up and scared the crap out of both of them but she was so brave and had to catch them red handed.

Ric Larson said...

Sorry Amy, I didn't know!

Joanna said...

Today we've been married 15 yrs. Amy it's great you went on...forget that biker slut.He deserves her,not you!What goes around comes around. I still have an 11 yr. old tomorrow but, she makes my marriage stay together,I truly had a golden child with the Chamorro mix and all.She makes me proud as do all our children!!!

Becki said...

At 21 I married a sailor from southern California whom I met in sailor bar on Marine Drive (Mi Elena's). 30 years later we are still together, but I will never do it again. Once is enough.

Joanna said...

Becki,Amen to that:)

juliet said...

Well now I would probably marry again...My dream guy, a billionair with one foot on a banana

juliet said...

Well now I would probably marry again...My dream guy, a billionair with one foot on a banana

Joanna said...

Juliet,a billionair with a banana peel or a good banana:) You know I'm just kidding around...22 years beats me and J.T....then again Aubrey will be 18 yrs. old. Oh no,where's my shotgun? oh I don't have one,need to get one. Just to shoot in the air and scare any boy away.Nah, I'll plant cactus and bougine villa all around her window:)!!!That should work:)