Tuesday, July 28, 2009

camping on Guam

Mom, dad and the Jones crew went camping and I remember while the parents were drinking beer, us kids had a hermit crab "fight to the death" tournament. That was mean huh?


Paul said...

Probably not as mean as ripping their butts off for fishing like we used to do.

juliet said...

Yes, it gets harder to kill things as I get older. I have a poison red gecko in my bathroom he moved in to eat the flying red ants that are attracted by the light at night. I know he needs to go but so far we just eye each other. Years ago when we first moved here, I was in the garden with my kids and the gardener was cleaning some plants out of the flower bed. I saw a good sized fat Gecko and I said to the boys "look at this fat gecko and my Gardener whipped off his slipper and nailed dead. The kids said mom don't you know they are poisonous. I still didn't see the need to kill it but then I don't put my hands under the plants here. SO evidently they look just like the ones on Guam only they have a reddish color to them. Cuts down on time on the toilet.

Pat said...

Paul, you meanie. LOL I bet those butts did make good bait though.

rac said...

Cruel but tasty. I remember we would cook them in the fire after the fight. Not a lot of meat but what's there is damn good.

Doug said...

Never will forget the sound that they made when you'd drop 'em into the coals.
Kind of a really high pitched squeeeeeeeeee.

Joanna said...

You all are hilarious:)Memories!

Pat said...

Juliet, we have huge lizards all over. Mostly they stay outside or in my laundry room. I like them. They eat roaches. My cat went through a stage where he used to catch them, bring them inside and play with them. (he's bored of that game now) Thank God, because I was finding lizard carcasses every where, sometimes stepping on them..gross!

Pat said...

Speaking of lizards...on Guam Rac used to make them bite his ear lobes and they would hang there like earrings.
That was one of his main talents back then. :)

juliet said...

OMG Pat I have a vague memory of that. Green lizards hanging off his ears. Never a dull moment with Robert around. Does he still do stuff like that.lol

I read the way these red geckos here get you is if they bite, they never let go. They don't have fangs so they hang on so saliva mixes with the poison and then it gets into a person. I just hope he stays out of the toilet.

Pat said...

pee fast Juliet! ;)

juliet said...

That's funny and I do esp. at night.

Joanna said...

I think those green one's on Guam are little chameleons.Juliet,I'd kill those red gecko's because they're poisonous. I know you feel for them so have someone get them out for you!:)

juliet said...

Well, have not tried to catch a gecko in years and I think the only way I will get in trouble with that guy is if I try to get him. I think he will leave when the flying ant season is over. I hope. Thanks for the concern. I am more worried about Paul and his circle of sharks. That one shark had all the body language of attack mode.

Pat said...

Juliet, I wouldn't worry about Paul. I think he's half fish. Probably can talk to sharks. "the shark whisperer"
(hey dude, don't eat me..please)