Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gov. Sanford needs to resign!

I firmly believe that the union of marriage is more important than any other than with God. If a man will cheat on his wife, he will cheat on things less important, like his duties as Governor.
I look forward to his resignation soon, and pray that he can straighten this out in his life.


Joanna said...

As I've said before, if your going to talk the talk then walk the walk.Period. So many people claim they are so close to the almighty yet, they talk about wife swapping for recipes.Gross!This man had an affair. How many of the holy rollers here haven't?Don't cast stones from a glass house.Oh,I forgot,you can ask for forgiveness and all is well...

Cindy said...

I don't think him having an affair should be an issue on whether or not he can do his job, what I do think should be an issue is the fact that he thought is was okay to go away for four days and not tell anyone where he was and that he may have used tax payers money for his trips.

Doug said...

Or the fact that he was willfully engaged in an act of deception.
Hardly the character of an ethical man.

Ric Larson said...

I’m not in the position to be his Judge and Jury, but what he did was truly a moral issue, one that he’ll have to live with and face his family for the rest of his life. But by lying to his staffers or telling them to lie about his where-abouts, now that could turn into a serious ethical or legal issue. He’s done…

mat said...

Nobody was talking about wife swapping Jo.DRL said lets take the camper out and go camping and swapping.He meant recipe swapping.Keep up Jo.I'm insulted that you would even think otherwise.And look at your own relationships before you try to have an opinion on someonelses.And he should resign immediately!

mat said...

Cindy,no offense but what he did was dispicable.And a Governor should be held to a higher standard.He's a lowlife.When you are a public official all eyes are on you and you should set an example.Regardless of your party affiliation.

Ric Larson said...

Jo, it was actually I Ric, NOT drl that mentioned wife swapping. And this is what I said…PLEASE READ IT VERY SLOWLEY AND CAREFULLY…”OK, no wife swapping will be allowed or tolerated. But...BBQ recipe swapping is cool and acceptable, man”!

rac said...

Sanford was a three-term U.S. House veteran who once cited "moral legitimacy" when he was a congressman voting for President Bill Clinton's impeachment

mat said...

And Jo you talk abou the "Holy Rollers"and who hasn't had an afair but your on your own on that one.I didn't and you make it sound like it's a normal thing.It's not.Cheaters are cheaters no matter what.Married people should never cheat on their spouses.If they have problems in their marriage they should talk about it.If they are scared then they should get a restraining order and go to a safe house.There are options.Don't go there Jo.

rac said...

Maybe the good folks of SC should impeach him.

Ric Larson said...

This is the way I see it. Conservatives get very angered (justifiably) at their political leaders and want them “out-of-there” when they commit an immoral ethical act while in office. Liberals attempt to justify their politicians’ immoral acts. And yes, he should be impeached…like as of yesterday!

mat said...

What rac said.But first resign!Then begin impeachment proceedings.I would be interested in hearing what the local SC news is reporting.Doesn't Pete live in SC?Whats up bro?

Ric Larson said...

Mat…I can’t agree with you more! If he had a conscious at all, he would first resign!

Doug said...

Something tells me this mans conscious failed him sometime ago.

rac said...

Probably the moment he decided to run for public office.

Doug said...

Now I don't care who you are that's funny right there.

Becki said...

This man has 4 small children. He should resign to protect them. Nothing else matters. End of discussion.

DRL said...

Joanna, why are personally attacking me? I am the one that posted this.
I do walk the walk. I have never cheated on my wife. I would not give up living with the most beautiful woman I know (Body, mind and spirit) for physical pleasure. If you don't want to be attacked, then don't attack! You still have not shown where I 'attacked' you since my apology to you. You, won't say sorry when you cross the line.
I am a holy roller, Jesus Freak, stiff collar, etc... and proud of it.
Let me educate you about forgiveness. See, I was forgiven of all my sins at the cross. However, I still have to repent of my sins. There are still consequences of sin. Don't speak of what you don't know. Mocking God is not a funny thing.

DRL said...

Cindy, I agree with you one hundred percent. But, that was my point of the post. If he will lie to and cheat on his wife, with whom he has a covenant and vows with, would not do the same at work.
His marriage should be the greatest level of trust in his life.

DRL said...

RAC, you are so right. That comment made by him, should have been a standard for his own life. I agree, that as he judged, so he should be judged. Impeach him!

I don't care what party they are from, if they can't be trusted in their private life, they can not be trusted in public affairs.

Oh, and Bill Clinton's impeachment was for lying to a Grand Jury. Sanford should be impeached for lying, and miss use of public funds, and what ever else can be dug up on him. Just get him out.

juliet said...

Maybe his wife was okay with it.

Doug said...

Well that's an angle I hadn't considered.

Ric Larson said...

I don’t think his wife was OK with his affair. If she were, she would have joined them. No matter what angle you look at it, adultery is not justified.

Doug said...

Well I was just not considering I guess the conversation with the wife that would take place prior to his little junket. I mean assuming she did know.
"So yeah honey I'm thinking about flying down to Rio this weekend and banging that Argentinian floozy I was telling you about".
"No no don't be silly I'll just charge it to the taxpayer."
"So you'll be okay with the kids for Father's Day? Great, see you in a few days. If anybody calls looking for me just tell them I went for a walk. Love ya'!"
That's the angle I hadn't considered.

Pat said...

No problem honey. Have a great time and don't forget your condoms....see you in a week babe!

juliet said...

No it was more like she checked to make sure his life insurance premium was paid on time and offered to book the flight for him on Air France.

DRL said...

Ric, you are soo right. I am tired of people justifying what is wrong.

DRL said...

Someone told me (and I haven't checked it out yet) that his wife moved out a while back. So, to her, it was over. Like I said though, it is not the infidelity itself that should get him removed form office, but the loss of trust. Like I said, if he will not honor his vows to his wife, he will not at his job.

DRL said...

Oh, and I made that statement before the allegations of misappropriation of public funds came out.

juliet said...

I read somewhere that 1/3 of children are being raised by men who are not their biological fathers. I wonder if like homosexuality, adultery is just another type of evolutionary adaptation.

Ric Larson said...

This is just my personal take on your previous post Juliet. Yes, about 1/3 of children are being raised by men that are not their biological father. At least in the U.S. of A., the divorce rate hovers around 50%. Some parents do divorce, and more often than not the majority get remarried. Most divorce courts appoint physical custody to the mother.
As for homosexuality and adultery? I personally don’t feel evolution has a darn thing to do with it (that is if you are one to believe in evolution? I personally don’t, but hey, that’s just me). I believe homosexuality and adultery are done by ones own choice and free will. (But hey, this is just my own personal belief too).

juliet said...

I think that was fathers who didn't know they were not their kids.

Ric Larson said...

Sorry, my bad (oooops) Juliet! Now, never did I realize that 1/3 of kids out there are being raised by men who they think is their daddy, but are not. I didn’t know? So, 1/3 of kids, ouch!

mat said...

Geez Juliet!Adultery is part of the evolution process?HUH!Seriously?I don't think you believe that but I think you want "US" too.Wake up Hans,tell him there's fixing to be a party!Adultery is WRONG!PERIOD!You are trying to equate evolution with social acceptance due to the desensitizing(dumbing down)of society based on repeated exposure to such BEHAVIORS due to sensory overload brought upon by the various media.You are supposed to be the smart one here but even you know better(you do but think we don't).You make this to easy for a redneck like me.

mat said...

And Cindy,It's okay that he cheated on his wife(and his children because he betrayed every value about the sanctity of trust and honesty that he ever taught them)but is a lowlife because he might have did it at taxpayers expense?If he charged it on his own VISA would it be okay?I know what you're trying to say is that it shouldn't be an issue if he's doing a good job but it should.It's called integrity.How can you expect an elected official to look out for your best interests(passing laws)if they don't practice what they preach.Look we as conservatives don't expect perfection from our leaders.Only Jesus Christ is perfect.But we expect accountability.If you mess up,move on and resign.I don't care how well he does his job.He violated a core value and is no longer worthy of my support.We are all about core values and not issues dujour.Thats my two cents worth.

DRL said...

Mat, I don't think Juliet was saying that. If there is one thing I have learned about this blog, is we can not tell emotion/intent in just a few words. I guess that is why I ramble a lot. I want my intent to be known.
I think she was saying, a change more than evolution (as in evolutionary process). Acceptance, rather than a physical change in humans.
I do believe that as we as a society get more complacent with behaviors, that will "evolve" into a society where this has been a possibility. The sad part is that it was the husband cheating on his wife, with the secretary. But, if it is 1/3 of the wives cheating (not only cheating, but having children and acting as if they were the husbands), that is sad. One of the first indicators of the collapse of a society, it its degrade in sexual behavior.
But, remember in the Bible, King David got Bathsheba pregnant. He then called Uriah in from the battle field to sleep with Bathsheba, so he would think the child was his (Uriah's). It is not a new concept.

DRL said...

Mat, I might be wrong, but I think Cindy is talking about his job as Governor, not his morality.
But, I agree with Mat, that if his morals are absent with his wife, so will they be with his job. I do not trust someone who will cheat on their spouse.
I once heard it said that, 'integrity is doing what is right, when no one is looking'. Isn't that what we want those who represent us to do? How can anyone think that a man who cheats on his wife, will not cheat on his constituents.

DRL said...

One thing I see here, is that those on the right are calling for his resignation. While some on the left are somewhat defending him. I remember the chant, "it's only about sex". Which was a lie. Clinton lied to a Grand Jury. See, if a man will cheat on his wife, he will cheat on everything else in his life.
I would fire a man who cheated on his wife, because I could not trust him at work.

DRL said...

Sorry, Juliet, I filled up your email again with my diatribes.

The neat thing with mine, is if you see my name on the email list, you can bet it is only me, every one else over here is asleep. Just delete them.

juliet said...

Ya Ric, I think it is data being collected now that paternity tests are so prevalent.

So Matt, I'm think'n that's a no for the next reunion. HAHAHAHHA

Now Matt, I am not saying adultery is Okay, just commenting that since it is so common and across all cultures and been around since the oldest profession and then some, I was just thinking it might have an evolutionary component to it.

Not that I practice it, but I think that if both spouses are in agreement then they should do what they want. Don't think it works with kids around, but then those polygamist sects will tell you different.
However if I was 20 years younger and way slimmer and Clint Eastwood was around ( of course he would have to be younger too) He could "go ahead and make my day."

rac said...

We have a number of physical characteristics that suggest we were not always such monogamous creatures. Monogamy is the result of social conditioning rather than biological wiring. It's what makes us "civilized".

Doug said...

That and we have ice to put in our Jack Daniels.
The consumption of which can, given the right circumstances lead to uncivil behavior.
Yet another dichotomy.

rac said...

Looks like Sanford is getting a free pass from the GOP.

DRL said...

RAC, I haven't heard the latest on Sanford, but I don't think he will get a pass by the republican voters. Like in Idaho, when Crapo didn't resign, we voted him out and voted in a Democrat. Only time will tell, but unlike the Democrat party, we will get rid of our scum.