Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Obama does not fall far from the ACORN

Some of you vociferously protest any hint that our president is a socialist. Yet, he has undeniable ties to and support for the ACORN organization. You may hear about them already, but you certainly will when they come knocking on your door for the census.

Here are some of the highlites from the ACORN "People's Platform". If this isn't socialism, then someone has changed the definition.

Enough is enough. We will wait no longer for the crumbs at America's door. We will not be meek, but mighty.

...the benefit of our taxes rather than their burden
[OK, really, what burden of taxes do you suppose ACORN members carry?]

A. Restructure utility rates by: 1. Ending all discount rates for large commercial and industrial users.
[Those damn corporations again. They must be taken down]

B. Ban all utility shut-offs during the winter months and require all utilities to offer partial-payment arrangements, in conjunction with arrears forgiveness, in lieu of shut-offs.
[Sounds like a new bailout. Heck if we're buying your house, we might as well power and heat it as well]

1. Removing the cost of new plants from the rate base until these plants are fully operational.
[How, then, will new plants be paid for?]

2. Prohibiting the pass through of political and charitable contributions to the rate base.
[Sure, as soon as the same prohibition is placed on, say, teachers unions who contribute to the democrats. Our taxes pay teachers salaries, they are constripted into the union, their salaries are taxed for the union dues, the unions contribute to the democrats. Or, perhaps the same rules for the UAW. You could apply the same logic. For every car we buy, how much of a contribution to the democrats are we forced to make?]

2. A public oil and gas corporation which has the right and preference to develop oil and gas reserves on federally owned land.
[Obama's Citgo?]

1. Tax the windfall profits of all a major energy corporations, and return all excess deferred taxes to consumers.

b. Give low- and moderate-income members of the community a proportional share of seats on the governing boards of all hospitals.

At the health insurance companies:

a. Throw doctors and hospital administrators off the boards of directors, and replace them with a low- and moderate-income majority

Doctors are on set salaries

Every person who wants to work has a right to a job - a job which pays a living wage and offers opportunities for advancement. Those who cannot work - the elderly, the disabled, single parents with small children - should receive enough income to afford them the basic necessities and allow them to live with dignity.
[Single parents with small children? Why should "the village" pay for others children?]

C. Require private industry to use the technology which creates the most jobs
[this is laughable]

Provide an adequate income to every American [From those according to their ability to those according to their need. - Karl Marx]

A. Guarantee a minimum annual family income at a figure equivalent to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics "medium living standard," adjusted for inflation.

A. Funding for all schools should be set so schools in affluent areas do not receive more funding than schools in low- and moderate-income areas.
[What, then, is the point in working hard, taking risks and becoming "affluent"? And, by the way, money is not the answer to education. Look up how much they spend in DC per student and then look at the test results. Brave New World, here we come].

A. Require all corporations of over $10 million in assets to include worker- representative and low- and moderate-income members of the community on their corporate boards.
[Have you watched "Dr. Zhivago" lately?]

You can read all about it on the ACORN website: This administration has already given MILLIONS in your tax dollars to this organization. ACORN is under investigaton on many levels. ACORN has been contracted to go house-to-house and obtain census information under the sole supervision of the White House (for the first time in history).


Pat said...

sounds good to me

Sean said...

Well, Pat, if it sounds good to you then start a movement to form a constitutional convention and rewrite it properly. This country was founded in documents and principals that limited government power, setup checks and balances between he branches and make us who we are. This cannot be changed just because it "sounds good" to some.

Pat said...

Sean, You know even If I could debate with you I wouldn't. You're barkin but I'm the wrong tree. Just know that when I read your (Long-winded, I love to hear myself posts), my eyes glaze over and all I see is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Pat said...

Oh wait, gotta respond to "Why should a village feed our children?"
We feed the world don't we Sean? that's what we do. The greatest nation on earth.

Dave said...

I'm trying to decider what I'm going to tell Acorn when they come knocking on my door. I'm almost sure it's not going to be pretty.
Acorn is a corrrupt organization with a maze of illegal activity that stretches to the highest levels in Washington. Look at how and where it began, who was and still is involved, and what it's own members and board of directors are saying about their own company. Acorn stinks to high heaven and is under numerous crimnal investigations. Still sound good to you Pat?

Pat said...

Dave, seriously. I'm so Over this shit. Go pick on someone your own size.

Dave said...

Wasn't picking on you Pat, just striking up a friendly conversation. And I'm over it too.

Pat said...

Thanks Dave

rac said...

ACORN is but a single turd in the cesspool of corruption. If we want to clean up Washington we have to remove the system of quid pro quo that stokes the flames of graft. Research the numerous front organizations of Rev. Sung Yung Moon and the millions in government funds they have received and you will see what I mean.