Monday, October 29, 2007

A cow named MUNGNER

There was this cow that lived behind the Larsons house and when he mooed he sounded like his
name.I remember we would throw all kinds of things at this cow from the Larsons junk pile(the
EPA should have declared this pile a superfund site).One day Chris and I were cutting down and mowing the grass back there for the infamous dirt track when I felt a bullet fly by my ear.Thats
right I felt it because the mower was too loud.I looked around and Chris was gone!I began screaming like a little girl for Chris and he was on his back porch yelling at me to get up and run.
I guess the guy that owned the cow had finally had enough of us harassing it. Shit this guy was seriously trying to kill us!some of you have commented about driving the car that broke in half back there but thats my memory.hahaha


Ric Larson said...

Hey Mat, I remember you telling me about this incident about 30 years ago, just as you discribed it on this Blog. Getting shot at is a sure thing you'll never forget! But you guys accomplished your goal after all! Nice track in the Larson's back yard! Ric

Pete said...

You know, I still have dreams at night of Mungner breaking his (or her, whatever it was) rope, chasing us, and having revenge.

DanL said...

HEEEY, Easy on dads junk pile. That has become a Larson tradition. We all have junk piles. and I'm passing it down to my children.
I do refrain from dumping my old oil, greassy rags, bad kerosine, 2-stroke oil, dirty oilygasoline-antifreezemix, and boat/board resin on it...
And my kids havent bashed in the crancase of my GOOD 50cc motorcycle engine just to see what was inside of it, either.
I bet nothing grows there, even now!!

juliet said...

I remember once DeeDee Carlson and I rescued one of those cows from a grass fire.