In 1981 this was the fastest six cylinder on the planet...150+ MPH, no broken legs, no bruised ribs, no sprained neck, no sprained ankles, no sprained wrist, un-impacted vertebrae, no bleeding kidneys, and no grin on my face...to keep the bugs the out of my teeth.
Last time Dave road it, he set a land speed jump record (300 Ft @ 120 MPH), and lived to tell about it. The look on his face..."you should of told me about those railroad tracks"!!!
OK, forget "how did we live through those days", how have we lived through some of our later days(no LDS pun intended)?
Nice bike Pete! You kept it looking new!
I think my brother Sean had the same bike in College!
Actually, I've been an "Ikuzus" man. In college I had a Suzuki GT550 two stroker that I bought from a prof. I ran that into the ground. Later on, I bought a Katana 1100 - that was a beast.
I rode a moped once!
Just a big dirt bike with a 6 cyl 1300cc engine.
Sean, Dave, Pete and all you guys who love the fast rice burners (Sean I know you rode the Harley V Rod), Ric and I are the only ones who just love to cruse. Me on my Harley, Ric on his Moped.
What about "ebas" - those little berry-things, we used to put 'em in soy sauce. Well, did that with pretty much everything I suppose.
Also, someone got me hooked on dipping orange slices in salt and tabasco. Not sure who that was, but my wife thinks I am crazy.
Wow Sean, what post are you on? This is about rice burners, not rice cookers.
I thought you made this comment on the food post?
Messen with you brother, Ha.
Yes! I remember the ebas too! Couldn't think its name until Sean mentioned it. They were little green/sour fruits with a seed in the middle. The eba(s) tree was behing the Cyclers House if my memory serves me right.
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