The earlier post about Roxanne brought back memories of a party at Seti Bay. As I recall there was a pretty good crowd. I remember we got pretty drunk (surprise) which then lead to a mass skinny dip. I had a black fishnet tank top that found its way onto Roxanne after our swim; I don't recall any of us boys objecting either. Any of this ring a bell?
I think your making stuff up
Easy--- Tiger....
I was not at that particular one, but I do remember many skiny-dipping (drunk or not) parties. Infact it was strange, when I came back to Idaho, one of the first things I did when a group of us was up riding in the mountains, was to take all my cloths of and jump into a small mountain lake. I almost died of hypothermia. No one joined me, and I was always the "crazy Guamees" after that.
Oh, Cold water makes all men equal.
I did swim across Seti Bay and half way accross I kicked something. Turned and a white tip had been following me. He was not aggrissive, but it bothered me. when we were all at the other side, there was a school of about 50 baby sharks(12"-15") next to the reef.
Of course I am Chris. How do you think I became President of General Motors.
Hey Robert, next time I am out West in Idaho, we ought to party dude!
I'm with you bro. But I gotta warn ya, all my partying recently consists of cake, ice cream and party hats... and sometimes a clown with a big red nose.
Robert, I'm with ya on that. LOL
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