Sunday, October 21, 2007

the science lab.

I know doug, alice, wendy remember this. the science lab had a cig machine and we figured out how to put 50 cents in there, pull it just right and get out like ten packs of marbourl greens. hahaha we thought we were soooo clever!


Sean said...

Speaking of science, at Barrigada we had a chem teacher. I think he name was "Mr. Zein" and he was the father in law of Gov. Ricky Bordallo. He was a bit past his prime.

Any way, I recall him running some experiment with "concentrated sulphuric acid". His hands were so shaky he was dripping all over himself and then noting "when your fingers start to turn yellow (like his!) you've spilled on yourself and that's not a good thing".

Ric Larson said...

I was not apart of the Doug, Alice and Wendy gang. Nor was I intrested in the Siences back then as I am now. But I sure was intrested in how I could get my hands on a good pack of smokes back then. I usually just walked down to the Cruz store and bought a pack of Kools, 'cause that was cool at the time. And I'm sure if the cigarette machine was in place back then, I would have figured out how to steal a pack from that machine, as I and others had figured out how to reach our hands up the soda machine and steal a soda pop.
I have been smoke free for 14 months now!

Joanna said...

Hey I don't remember the cigarette machine but, I do remember Mr. Zien. He's our Congresswoman's Dad via Bordallo.I remember him shake in science class in middle school.It was strange in the least...something could have gone up in smoke:)

juliet said...

Well I also remember Mr.Zein at BJHS in later years I did my Nursing practicum at the skilled nursing facility where Mr.Zein eventually died from Parkinsons, which is what caused the shaking. He was always a good sport even then.

DanL said...

Rick and I were so desperate for something to get us high, I remember we had dried some Banana peels, or was it leaves?, rolled our own and were trying to smoke them before school behind Mcdonalds house. (Someone said they would get us high) My sister Jinny caught us. she eventually told my parents. I thought I would get a beatin like my brothers did, but my dad asked me if i would stop smoking, I said I would, and I did...cigarettes.