Juliet i think we are all jealous of your memory i know i am but Dan is right on this one. Kay and Clay Copeland 1969 deanscircle you are right the Posters a harmon village-deanscircle family moved back to texas 1970 i think. Juliet where is new picture we all need to see where a lot of our memory's are housed.
DAN got it right this time sorry can't help out on tree house.
This blog has turned into day by day read leave 4 days and you are out of the loop.
I believe they were befor our time (Perdew and Larson family). Could be wrong, as I have been corrected several times on my date, times and places of events on Guam.
Just how many of the Old Dean's Circle Gang actually migrated from Harmon Field?
This makes 3 that I know of!
Wow, Clay you look really young there, not the way I remember you.I was much younger than you so I doubt you would remember me. I don't remember your sister.
So what part did I get wrong? I think the Sicklers lived in Clay's house before they moved down the street to the cliff.1968/9 school year. If you moved in 1969,that fits. The only girls I can think of that would have taken any crap from a boy that lived between David Larson and I were Cory (Blondie) and Stephanie (adopted African American). Strange but I don't remember Clay's sister or father. I always thought he lived there with his mother. Now Amy Poster was my bestest friend until she moved.Her mother was a real "Susie Home Maker" and her father had a fantastic shell collection in real scientific like display cases.
There were several Lancing girls that lived next door to me but I believe they moved around the same time as the Posters. We took on their dog "lady". Clay since you were older do you remember the Lancyngs? The Posters and the lancyings were both gone by the time the Larsons(David) moved in to the Circle. Kelly Jewel and the Eldridge girls and I were friends in the early years but they did not have brothers. I also split my time hanging out with a few locals that lived down the street behind me (Mariano's and Norma Thacker, Van Muiers). I had my green huffy bike and really got around. I am not sure which girl they are talking about that they were bothering but Christine Tansy lived up from me and I believe that whole family was picked on, She had two brothers, but younger, Brian and Matt. Now Rod Duncan had a little sister and he lived across from me. The Munsons had a few boys but I don't remember if they had a sister and I think they lived in the Spark's house after the Sparks moved out to Barrigada. What year did David Larson and his family move into Deans Circle? The only other girl I can think of that lived up the street from the Sparks that Dan might have picked on was me, now I am sure you would have remember Ben if you had a fight with him and we were the last of the old gang to move out of the circle.I can't think of a boy named Tony that DanL is referring to with a sister. I don't remember paying much attention to the younger Larson's they all seemed younger and scruffy with a passion for rolling around in the red dirt mound near their house or does my memory fail me....The Swiss family Robinsons .. didn't they have a large Iguana that their father brought back, kept in the bathtub and liked to take reef walking ..No that was the Sparks family! Later they even had Bonny the bear and Spot the leopard.
Clay,You looked so sweet and innocent there.
Clay's dad was the vice-principal (I think) the first year I was at GWH. His dad is who Clay got his good looks from. Mr Copeland was very handsome, alot of the girls had a crush on him. Once when Clay and his mom went back to Texas for a visit Mr Copeland hired Becky and I to do some housework and ironing for him and he took us out to dinner at least once. He was a very charming man.I only remember that Clay's mom never seemed happy about living on Guam and was glad to go back to Texas.
I was friends with Kelly's sister Kim. Dana told me that Kim married a Japanese guy and probably lives in Oregon now. Kelly and Kim did have a brother. Adopted, maybe Korean? I remember that he got mono once and was sick for a long time.
Yes, Cindy you are right now that you mention it. I do have a vague memory that they had a brother but wasn't he really little? I thought that Kim Jewel became a mid-wife and lived on Guam but I am not sure about that. I would see her over the years from a distance occasionally at the SDA bookstore and she really looked like her mom. I never saw Kelly she must have gone to different schools. Does anyone remember Beth, they lived in the Shooks old house. She had epilepsy and was a few years older than me. I think they were super Methodists. I think she must have had a sister around Cindy's age.
Juliet was it Beth Garrett? She was the same age as me.
Do you know what ever became of her. I used to hang out with her and listen to music. She really suffered from epilepsy and didn't get out much. Cindy do you remember the Mormon family that lived in Clay's old house. They were really strict and even wore the groovy outfits, no coke, chocolate...They must have felt really out of place in Dean's Circle. I think they only played occasionally with the Tansys.
OK Julie your making me recall brain cells that have been long burnt. Your memory is amazing!But its also really confusing me.
Tony Postert was the kid I beat up, Karen lived in the house Posyterst moved out of (beside sparks) (up hill), and Yes the Mitchels (mormons)lived in copelands house, later after they moved. The Mitchels were instrumental in getting my parents teaching jobs in Utah in 76 when we left the Island.
And I was on the Island in '88, that dirt pile beside our house was still there, much reduced in size though. And I still have red clay stains in my shorts. and I didn't think I was scruffy, I was just tryin to impress you older girls!
Rollin' in the dirt, now that was fun!
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