Saturday, March 28, 2009

10 Ways to Stave Off Hospital Superbugs and Other Nasty Germs: Scientific American

My new boss is featured in this article:

10 Ways to Stave Off Hospital Superbugs and Other Nasty Germs: Scientific American

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Ric Larson said...

Good point Cindy! Good things to know prior to going to the hospital. Where I work, Universal Precautions is king!

Doug said...

So remember back in the island days you'd get a scrape, nick, cut, roadrash or whatever and you'd almost instantly get an infection. The legendary Guam sore. So then you'd take some Hydrogen Peroxide and pour it on the infected area and it would like foam up and pop and fizz. Good times.
I recall with some regret football seasons it was almost impossible to avoid jock rash. And I'm not talking the minor "get the tinactin" type rash. This shit was like some kind of mutant mygroinisonfireicantwalk type strain. The showers at GW weren't exactly a model of cleanliness. The only thing that would cure it short of kerosene maybe was Listerine. You dump some on a rag and apply it to the affected area and hooeee talk about fire in the hole.
I really look back with fondness at my time on that island but man it was like a petri dish teeming with pathogens.

Cindy said...

I remember Doug, one of the first things we were told when we got on the island was to buy and use only Dial soap.

Joanna said...

Doug,Ouch! Cindy my brother reads Scietific American all the time ,amongst many others. Let me mention it to him. I'm sure he'd be surprised that this is your boss.

Joanna said...

my bad,Scientific American.