Saturday, March 14, 2009

President Obama breaks 2 more promises

That is right.
Does anyone else remember that President Obama said that he would allow 5 days of "transparency" before signing any bills?

He also said that he would not sign any bill that has "ear marks".

If I have this wrong, let me know.


mat said...

A politician lied. Say it aint so DRL. Buisness as usual in DC.

DRL said...

I know Matt, but this was the politician fro "change"

DRL said...

I guess, it is not the ones that did not vote for Obama, but what about those who support him, and dispised Bush? How can they say this is change? How is this the man they support?

rac said...

He probably signed it in the spirit of bipartisanship, given half the earmarks were from Republican lawmakers.

Sean said...

the earmarks are a disgrace on both sides. I am sorely disappointed that the reps don't swear off them.

But, Obama is completely off the mark with his so-called objection to them. the demonization or private enterprise and the cannonzation of "all things government" must stop.

I'd like to see - one issue, one bill. If an appropriation can't stand on its own, then the feds shouldn't be spending our money on it. Does it really make sense for the states to send all this money to Washington only to beg to get it back?

DRL said...

Yes RAC, but it is not to whom they were signed for, it is that he said he would not do it. I hate ear marks. Even if it were a road to nowhere in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and directly affected me. I still do not like them, never have and never will.
But, Obama ran on "change". He lied!

mat said...

I got ear marks. I think they're birthmarks. OK now I'm getting stretch marks from all the laughter. Or maybe just the beer.Yea it's true that a lot of reps signed on to them and they didn't have to but the bottom line is they still have to bring home the bacon to their constituents. We as conservatives can bitch about that but it is what they got elected for. Bring home the pork baby. Thats all minor shit. I wanna see some real economic policy. I don't care if everyone gets their finger in the pie. Thats politics american style. Show me the policy. Show me some results.