Tuesday, March 3, 2009

POTW - Ice Cream anybody?

I'ts a Freudian thing I swear. Every time I drive by this place I think it's selling something other then ice cream.

Of course it helps that I can't spell either.


DRL said...

Overy, That is funny.

Juliet, glad to see you on something funny rather than political. I hope to see you more on these.

juliet said...

Try Over U(you) Berry.

DRL said...

Oops, weird Freudian slip on my part. I thought it was a "y".

Anonymous said...

I don't get the whole
over(you)berry, or over(y)berry either way.

juliet said...

I think the owner broke up with her boyfriend. Ate a lot of ice cream and then decided to start her own business and call it overuberry. to mean something like,I am so over you berry. Berry for the guys name and her favorite flavor.

Ric Larson said...

Paul,(it was so long ago), but is there a place called Doughnut Tree still Agana? It was kinda like our modern day version of dunken doughnuts.

mat said...

Ric, Donut tree was in the Julale shopping center. I don't know if it's still there though.The owner lived at Guam Towers when Sams family lived there. Todd Hart was the son. We used to party(drink) and act up at the "Towers"The security guard was named Toby and he smoked like three packs of cigarettes a day.We used to cause trouble there and make him run all over the place tying to catch us. It got to be a game.We used to stop the elevators between floors and get out and close the doors behind us and then when residents couldn't get an elevator theyed call his desk and he would have to go fetch it.We would steal all the
fire extinguishers off every floor and take them to "Shells of Micronesia" and we would have fire extinguisher fights in the warehouse.Man that brings back memories.Laurie Worth(Worthless)man I could tell some stories. She was a Guam Towers alum.

mat said...

"Hey Laurie whats the smallest bra size"?"I don't know,beats me." all together now"SURE DOES"!hahahaha.Man those were the days.

Ric Larson said...

I remember those Guam Tower days as well with Sam. I remember we would go to the top floor in the stair well and drop bic lighters down between the stairs. To see and hope that the lighters would explode after falling 16 stories to the ground floor. Don't remember if any of them ever did go boom. But I do remember Sam explaining the possible cause and effect of a lighter falling at a very high rate of speed. Just one of many memories of the Guam Tower days.

mat said...

Mythbusters Island style.OOG!

mat said...
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Joanna said...

I remember even more the "Ice Cream" truck and begging for money from my Dad to get some.The Tower's were when you'all kept me indoors.I do remember Dean getting the shock of his life trying to buy cigarretes for Sam,Mat and probably the guard.Poor Ting.

mat said...

You got kept inside at the towers for your own safety Jo.hahahaha.

Joanna said...

I believe that:)

illustrationISM.... said...

Is that store on Guam?
That's so ENGRISH!
It should be on ENGRISH.COM!