Sunday, August 9, 2009

In case you don't know yet...

Here is an overview of what has those pesky teabaggers so riled up..


rac said...

In case you don't know: Liberty Counsel = Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Pat said...

yes...he could be on your side Dave. Sound good to you?

Doug said...

That Moon guy sure does get around.

booniedawg said...

Here's a more detailed look at what lies those pesky teabaggers are telling themselves to get themselves riled up...

Sorry but you'll have to cut and paste the link....

Dave said...


Dave said...

Don't worry Pat, you'll get your free healthcare.

Dave said...

Hey rac, go out in the evening tomorrow and look up toward the horizon. You'll see the moon you're so infatuated with..

rac said...

Well Dave, all I can say is I'm not the one spreading his propaganda. There's a big difference between watching the Moon and worshipping the Moon.

Dave said...

It may be propaganda, but it's more believable than anyone who tells you that this isn't a colossal government power grab.
Just tell me straight up rac, are you in support of this health care bill, the way it's now written? For the record..

rac said...

To be honest Dave, it's not something I'm overly passionate about. Just because the media thinks we should be wringing each others necks over this debate doesn't mean I have to care. In the end I suspect there will be very little change in the way things are done. That's how this country works. Things happen very slowly. There's way too much money (and therefor power) involved for it to be any other way. I have great health insurance already and I'm willing to bet a month's wages that's not going to change anytime soon.

Now what does concern me is that decent Americans like yourself believe in Moonie propaganda more than they do their own country. Be afraid Dave, be very afraid.

rac said...

You know the best thing to come out of this whole health care debate? Watching a bunch of dumb asses throwing punches at a town hall meeting. Now that's some good TV. ;)

Dave said...

So let's skip all the propaganda, from both sides and from the moon. The fact still remains, that there is a bill written that if enacted, will without a doubt, change America as we know it. Not only our health care, but our financial state, our personal privacy and the level of government involvement in our personal lives. There is really no dispute over that fact, the government has already spelled it out for us and made the bill available for us to read and digest. You can interpret it several ways, but mostly if you read what it doesn't say.. issues that were attempted to be amended into the bill but shot down by congress, tells the story of what is really being imposed. You are right, it won't happen over night, but slowly and incrementally over time. It's been happening for decades, only now it's being fast tracked. All I can say is be careful what you wish for.

Doug said...

Since the Bill is a work in progress it's difficult to say what has actually been shot down by Congress.
I respect anyone's opinion on the matter.
What I despise is this atmosphere of fear and outright intimidation that seems to have taken over the discussion.
When you have members of Congress receiving death threats over proposed health care changes then somebody is taking their bullshit a little too seriously.

Dave said...

I agree with you Doug, extremism doesn't get you anywhere. But fear is a natural response to anything that may cause us harm. Some people are more fearless than others.

Pat said...

Dave, I don't think I'll get "free" health care. But even if I did, I feel bad you are so mad about it.

Doug said...

There is no where in the proposed legislation anything expanding free health care.
If anything, it's going to cost us out the ass.
It also does not mandate abortions, sex change operations, killing grandpa because he's too old and sick or any of the other myriad fear mongering and absurd propaganda that's being bandied about.
What it does propose is making affordable health insurance available to all American citizens that want it and are willing to pay for it. If you like what you have, keep it.
The proposed system is NOT single payer.
It is not a sinister commie plot to control and subjugate the masses.
Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Dave said...

I hope you're right Doug, about the sinister plot that is.. And Pat, I'm not mad at all. I have no problem with you getting the health care you need, even if it is free. Just as long as you're a legal US citizen..

booniedawg said...

Your take on it is what I am understanding about the plan as well.
It also would be an option for those who don't have or can't afford to independently buy their own health insurance. As such, it would perhaps compete with the other insurance plans but is not designed to replace them.

juliet said...

You know Dave those are not actual parts of the bill but someones spin on them.