Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Small business in America

Sean implores all of his friends to watch today's Glenn Beck show on small business in America. It is on again at 2:00 AM. Tivo it. Or, come over and watch it at my house. Just watch and learn.


Ric Larson said...

Sean, do you really mean 2:00 am, like in the morning? I am in bed with my radio headphones on listening to ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with George Noory at that hour. I do religiously watch Glen Beck on TV though. He’s the man with the facts! And he has a sense of humor to boot!

Sean said...

There will probably be cuts of it on foxnews.com, but you can still come up to NH and watch the whole thing if you can't get it somewhere else.

Sean said...

There will probably be cuts of it on foxnews.com, but you can still come up to NH and watch the whole thing if you can't get it somewhere else.

Ric Larson said...

I always watch cuts on foxnews.com. ‘We report you decide’!

Doug said...

Hey here's a fact. Beck has lost upwards of 20 sponsors over the last month or so, including Wal Mart and CVS.
His referring to Obama as a racist appeears to have been the last straw for Wal Mart.
Oh but wait all of this political rhetoric is supposed to have been about the direction the President is taking the country, not about the man himself right?

Pat said...

Doug, don't forget Geico and Progressive. Big sponsors I would think may hurt a little.

Pat said...

The FOX execs must be scrambling like mad about now.

Dave said...

I guess it's true.. the truth hurts.

Sean said...

hmm - kinda flies in the face of the leftist mantra that big business is driving the "astroturf" movement, doesn't it?

You mean, Glenn Beck is doing and saying what he believes is right despite what his big corporate sponsors want? Hmm, imagine that.

rac said...

Claiming Beck as your source of political inspiration is akin to listing Dick and Jane as your favorite novel.

juliet said...

Sean " doing and saying what you think is right" does not mean that what you say is right.lol
Beck sucks for getting out real facts.

Sean said...

OK - so I take it no one bothered to actually watch the program or find out anything about it (easier to just engage in the personal attack, I suppose).

This was a forum on the death of small business on Amerca. Beck had a studio full of *actual business owners* to discuss the issues they face and whether or not any of the stimulus efforts were doing anything to help them. This was unscripted, uncontrolled and an actual, two-way conversation between the host and the audience.

rac said...

It's all about personal taste Sean. Just because you get a boner at the sound of Becks voice doesn't mean the rest of us do. I personally find him exceptionally annoying. I tried listening to his radio show years ago but found his little girl voice the equivalent of fingernails on a chalk board. Maybe you find him intellectually stimulating but in my opinion he is exceptionally boring and childish. Just not my cup of tea.

Doug said...

did he....cry?

Dave said...

Yah.. real men don't cry..

Doug said...

Never said that Dave. In my opinion it's perfectly acceptable for a man to cry given the proper circumstances. For example:
His dog died.
Football team lost to arch rival and eliminated from playoff contention.
Mother in law getting divorced and moving in with you.
Catastrophic fire at Jack Daniels Distillery.
Just to name a few.