Monday, August 17, 2009

Obama Care?

WASHINGTON (Aug 16) - Bowing to Republican pressure and an uneasy public, President Barack Obama's administration signaled Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.


Ric Larson said...

You’ve got to love it baby!

Ric Larson said...

Maybe ‘He’ is now realizing that ‘He’ in not the Messiah after all. It’s just a guess?

Pat said...

That was just one option Ric. I think he just wants them to get the ball rolling, what ever it takes.

Doug said...

I believe it's sometimes referred to as compromise.
Interesting that the gleeful commentary about this comes from the same side that has been mewling about the lack of bipartianship and how this proposed bill is nothing but a power grab.

Ric Larson said...

You could be right Doug? Obama bowing to someone other than a Saudi King...?

Pat said...


Doug said...

So...this is more a matter of your disliking the President than the proposed legislation?

Ric Larson said...

Pat, I am one “happy go lucky” kind of a guy! I like lol’s! ;)

Sean said...

Some think that others don't like the president and therefore reject his ideas when, in reality, the opposite is true. We don't like the direction he's taking us, he doesn't seem interested in hearing what we have to say therefore we reject him based on what he does and what where he's leading us.

Sean said...

Some think that others don't like the president and therefore reject his ideas when, in reality, the opposite is true. We don't like the direction he's taking us, he doesn't seem interested in hearing what we have to say therefore we reject him based on what he does and what where he's leading us.

Doug said...

I beg to differ. I am fairly certain that a good percentage of those strongly protesting the President's proposed health legislation are more about resentment of the man's election than any particular failing, real or perceived.
Let's review.
A major plank on the platform of Obama's election campaign was in fact the implementation of some form of universal health care. Obama did in fact enjoy a fair electoral college landslide.
Given that, it is not unreasonable to assume that a majority of the population support and see the benefit of the idea.
I don't think it's a stretch to say that a VAST majority of the more bellicose town hall participants were not Obama supporters.
To say that he doesn't want to hear what you have to say in light of recent developments is quite insane. The proposed legislation is well on it's way to becoming a shell of it's former self primarily due to "input" from left, right and everyone else that you can think of that doesn't want to negotiate with him.
Does three town hall type meetings in four days sound like someone that is not listening?
Out is end of life counseling. Forget the public option.
All in some attempt at appeasement to the opposition.
You are not preventing anyone from taking the country in the wrong direction. More aptly, you are helping to ensure that we continue in no direction.
In 1961 Ronald Reagan spoke "of the tyranny" of socialized medicine when arguing for the right against Medicaire. Today a vast majority of seniors are quite happy with this public option of medical care.
Today we hear much the same rhetoric from not surprisingly the same demographic.
This is not patriotic concern over the end of our great experiment in self government.
It is vapid, self centered partisanship.

Pat said...

Scotty! beam me up! I keep searching for intelligent life...I'll keep searching Scotty.

Dave said...

A vapid self experiment.. now that sounds like
the Obama administration.

Dave said...

"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. . . . Now, the American people, if you put it to them about socialized medicine and gave them a chance to choose, would unhesitatingly vote against it." - Ronald Reagan

juliet said...

Health Care in Germany was initiated before the turn of the last century. More than 120 years ago.

rac said...

Don't count the chickens yet. Looks like the Left is going to push back pretty hard on this issue. Seems like political suicide for the President to try an appease the Right at the cost of losing his own base.

rac said...

Gibbs insists Obama not backing off public option

Dave said...

Not only political suicide if he backs off, but national suicide if he doesn't. I would hope that he would sacrifice his political base before sacrificing the nation in exchange for political status.

Doug said...

Maybe he should just sacrifice a chicken or something.