Wednesday, August 19, 2009

No swine flu for me please


Cindy said...

Interesting RAC...I avoid the sun (and wrinkles) so I am going to make sure I take my Calcium with Vit D faithfully this flu season, sure can't hurt. Now it sounds like we won't be seeing any vaccine as soon as they were hoping.

Doug said...

From my perspective, they can take their flu vaccine and stick it up their ass.
There is no way that they have had sufficient time to trial this new vaccine.
Look at what is happening with some of the girls that have had the PPV Vaccine administered. Serious side effects reported along with at least 32 deaths. And there is real doubt that it does anything to help prevent cervical cancer.
I'll take my chances.

Dave said...

Same here Doug. In my opinion, (I'm not a doctor by any means) the best immunization is to get a touch of the flu each year (if at all) and let your body fight it off. Too much experimental, untested medicine going on for my taste. Vitamins are very good advice, rac got this one right.

Cindy said...

Guys, just keep in mind that the deaths from this are not the usual as from other flu (old, very young, sickly), 6 % of deaths have been pregnant women..the 3 patients who have died in the health care system I work for were men in their 50's...I recently learned of someone whose 22 year old husband died of it a couple of weeks ago in a Tampa hospital. I have asthma and I'm in my 50's so I am getting the shot.

juliet said...

FYI Tequila lowers your immune system.

Doug said...

When it's your time it's your time.

rac said...

I'm with you guys. No vaccine for me or my family. And you can bet if they try to make it mandatory I'll be strapping on my own tea bag.

This vitamin D thing is interesting though. Here in Michigan I've met a ton of people who have been effected by MS; either personally or through friends and family. Before moving here I had not known anyone with MS. Turns out MS is much more common in the northern climates. After watching this video I got suspicious and looked up MS on Wikipedia. Sure enough, one of the suspected environmental factors is vitamin D deficiency.

For years now the experts have warned us to avoid the sun like the plague, yet they never mention we should supplement our vitamin D intake to help keep us healthy. Makes you wonder if they really have our best interest at heart. As for me, I'll be making a trip down to GNC this very weekend.

rac said...

Cindy, to your point on who's dying from the flu, check out this piece (especially the part about pregnant women):

"...So we did a study at our hospital, and we looked at women coming in and giving birth, and we measured their vitamin D levels -- their 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels, and the infants’ 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels at birth. 49 infant-mother pairs were looked at, mostly African-American and Hispanic but some Caucasian as well. 76% of mothers were severely vitamin D deficient. 81% of infants were severely vitamin D deficient..."

Pat said...

Love the sun. Just not too much all in one day and wear a hat.
When fishing, smear 45 sunscreen, the vitamin D will still soak through my sunburn. (I hope)

juliet said...

The Government just closed all the schools here until Oct.3 to try to stop the spread of Swine flu. So no class for me, I just have to figure out things with out the lecture. So on top of it the school pool is closed so no Vit. D for me.