Saturday, August 15, 2009

Washington Times behind death panel rumor

Who owns and runs the Washington Times? You guess it, Rev. Sun Mung Moon. You can read the full story here.


Dave said...

If it was all such a myth, why is the end of life legislation being removed from the bill? Could it be that this Moon character may just have some of it right? Is he any worse than the 'Rev' Jesse Jackson or the 'Rev' Al Sharpton or 'Rev' Jeremiah Wright? C'mon rac, at some point you've gotta realize that there is some bad stuff written into the current house version of the health care bill.

Cindy said...

We offer "end of life" counseling in my hospital has been a recent trend in healthcare, very much is very sad actually when patients are kept alive by machines months on end, laying like vegetables, getting bed sores, other infections, only because no planning was done ahead of time, their wishes were not made known , and no one is willing or able to decide for them. ICU nurses commonly experience burn-out endlessly caring for patients who have no hope for ever having any quality of life again and are only being kept alive by machines.

The department that handles helping with end of life decisions in my hospital is called Q-Life, the "q" for quality. The one woman I know well in the department is quite a character, very sweet and caring, she carries a toy "magic wand" in her pocket. A doctor has to write an order for her to see a patient, many often don't because then it is a sign that the doctor has "failed".....doctors don't want their patients to die, it goes against everything they are taught to do.

Again, it's a matter of giving a patient more of a "choice" in their own care...letting them be in on the decision rather than just the doctor.

I have a "Living Will" and have talked with my own kids about what my wishes are...if I have a terminal illness I would NEVER want to be put on a ventilator and would want a DNR order put on my chart. Unfortunately in our culture we don't like to talk about dying and death so most people don't make plans like that ahead of time.

Cindy said...

And if any one ever wants to put me in a nursing home, please, someone just take me out in the backyard and shoot me....those places are hideous.

Doug said...

My grandmother passed away in the last year at the age of 96. The last couple of years were spent in a nursing home. When she went in she was still mentally sharp but she was blind and fell all the time. She had become too much for my mom and dad who aren't exactly spring chickens themselves.
$6,000 a month for a place that literally sucked the life and soul out of that woman. She actually was fortunate. My parents were there every day checking on her and advocating for her care. There were some that had no one and it was not pretty. They were alive yes, but human? That place and their circumstance had stripped them of their humanity.
Toward the end there after my wife and I had visited her I made my wife promise that if I ever got to that state that she would put a pillow over my face and I was not kidding. Cindy is right. Go visit one of these places. Sobering.
It is paranoid lunacy to compare making informed end of life decisions with government death squads.

Ric Larson said...

Has anyone ever read or studied about Death and Dieing? It was a required read and an actual college course for Social Work majors when I was in screw-all (school…college).

Yes, counseling is available for those in institutional settings, and as well as out-patient settings. We have all been dieing from the moment we were born. But, I don’t think our Government should decide when it is time to pull the plug on our lives.

booniedawg said...

So Sarah Palin was right.

Giving seniors and ill people information on end of life issues such as listed above is evil.

Information is evil.

knowledge is evil.

Living wills are probably the most evil because it admits you might someday actually die.

We really need to get back to the times when the church was the center of society and controlled all know....the good old days.....I think they called them........oh yeah.....
(and yes I've been drinking.)

rac said...

Here's the point Dave. The GOP was for end-of-life counseling before the Washington Times informed them they were against it.

The fact you asked if Moon is any worse than Jackson, Sharpton, or Wright can mean only one of two things. Either you haven't done your homework or you are actually a member of Moon's Unification Church. I'm hoping it's not the latter.

Dave said...

The issue isn't end of life counseling or living wills. The issue is mandatory government funded counseling by doctors, whether or not the patient or doctor consents to such action. It's more government control pure and simple. The issue at stake is not whether they will pull the plug on grandma, the main issue is that under government health care, grandma will never even get plugged in. And rac, you need to get off this 'moon' kick you're on before you have a stroke or something. Enough with the leftist propaganda already.

rac said...

Haha, now that's funny shit Dave. You know the only difference between my propaganda and yours is mine is actually true. lol