Friday, August 7, 2009

A product of 18 years of Home-Schooling


rac said...

You should be very proud, Dave.

But hey, not to brag or anything, but after 12 years of public school my kid got a full academic scholarship to university because he killed on his SATs. I'm kind of proud of that too.

Doug said...

Seems like he turned out pretty good to me. Good job there Larson. You too Robert.
Pretty far cry from their fathers back in the days of haunting the neighborhood.

Pat said...

Great young men, both of them.

Pat said...

Dave, Most of our fathers and/or mothers were teachers. Personally, My father was a great one And he had students who kept in touch with him till he died.
I can remember only a couple of teachers whom didn't inspire me and teach me some sort of lesson.
Despite how some people put down public school, I wouldn't take back that experience for the world. (especially the hard knock schools on Guam)

rac said...

In all seriousness, Dave - what made you decide to homeschool?

Dave said...

My public school days or lack thereof, played a strong part in my decision to try something different. Congrats to your son Robert, you should be proud. We here in America all have the freedom of choice to bring our kids up as we see fit and feel is best for them. As I said before in my rant and rave with Juliet, it is not up to some other entity, foreign or domestic, it is up to you as a parent to decide. If we as parents are not in control of our children, then who is?

rac said...

I'm not sure I would agree with your choice of words. I think "control" sounds a little harsh. I like to think my job as a parent is to "guide". Still, I respect your choice on how to educate your children and I defend your right to do as you see fit.

Dave said...

If you're not in control then you are out of control.. but I respect your choice of words and will defend your right to use them as you see fit.

rac said...

Out of control definitely seems like an adequate description my kids at times. ;)

Cindy said...

Our children are only in our "control" for a very short time, therefore it's our job as parents to prepare them for the real world and equip them with the skills to be able to survive and thrive in that world without us... that includes letting them make mistakes and making them take responsibility and face the consequences for those mistakes.