Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dean's Circle wounds

We have discussed the many injuries (self inflicted or stupidity, it doesn't matter). I mentioned earlier about cracking open the top of my head (no pictures, but they would have been good). This is when we were playing war at my house. We were throwing bamboo spears at each other. Dan Larson was the best shot. Matt Kalb came over to me screaming(I had cut a vain, and the blood was a constant fountain). Mrs. Kalb called an ambulance, which arived just as my dad got home.
Yes, I still sleep alot.


Ric Larson said...

I remember that as if were yesterday. Dan was on the roof. What a shot he had! Who ever won that play war anyways? The other Larson family? And how did he ever get up there?

juliet said...

Yes we should have a post for war wounds. Now I think I remember Pat sporting a beebee gun injury that looked like the rings of saturn. That was when beebees were made of steele. I remember rock,stickle burr and water balloon fights and dog piles at the Sickler's. I was lame at all of these.

Dave said...

I split my forehead open one day down at the rock, body surfing at low tide. I felt and heard the thunk, but didn't think much of it. I came out of the water with blood all over my face and freaked out whoever was with us. I applied direct pressure for a few minutes then went right back into the water and started chumming for sharks. It took a lot to keep us out of the water in those days.

DRL said...

Yes Ric,
Dan was on the roof, and I am pretty sure that Dan won that war.

That would be a good idea. I can also remember, I think it was Pete Larson(Dave you might have to help with this one)who accidently shop Jinny Larson with a BB gun. Mr. Larson was so mad he bent the gun in half with his bare hands.

DRL said...

Yes Dave, I was not a surfer, but a Diver. Even when I was not diving, I was swimming. My mom used to say that I was wet more than I was ever dry. I loved the water.

Pete said...

Juliet, I remember that, "but I only pumped it once, dad". That was the best BB gun we ever had.

I remember Matt Kalb getting shot, but I can't remember who shot him. It wasn't me, my gun was bent.

The best wound was when we were riding bikes down to the marine lab and Matt Kalb would pull us back to the top on his Suzuki 50. Then Dan got the bright idea to have Matt pull him DOWN! It started out well until Dan decided to pass Matt going down at about 50 MPH. The rope wrapped around Dan's front wheel and it was all over...

DanL said...

Yes, it was me that speared DRL in the hand, I still feel bad about that.
I remember Matt Calb chopping his finger off in the chain sprocket of his motorcycle while trying to push start it. I think the spark plug wire was off and while he pushed he reached down to connect it to the plug, got his middle finger in the engine sprocket.

alice said...

The end of matt's finger grew a fingernail too. That was my bike for awhile and we'd take turns riding on the tail light (between Roxy, Wendy, Juliet or whomever). My tail bone has never been the same since. It was me that got shot in the you know what. Poor Pat-she felt so bad but didn't realize the hair trigger'd go off. I took off like a bolt ouch! How about when Wendy, Juliet and I were building that tree fort. Wendy and I fell out and she cracked her head from ear to ear. I'll try and get some old Pago Bay photos in.