What Jimmy Neutron is to Nickelodeon, Sammy Sparks was to Dean’s Circle – Boy Genius Extraordinaire. I base this on the fact Sammy always had the coolest stuff. And the best part was he either made or modified it all. I suspect when the PC was finally invented, Sammy had the first one on the island. He probably built it out of his mom’s washing machine and toaster.
I don’t know what happened to Sammy later on in life but I can guess the Circle had an influence on him too. If Sammy had grown up with Bill Gates he would most likely be the second richest man in the world right now. Instead, Sammy was stuck with a bunch of teenage stoners trying to figure out how get lizards up in orbit. But then who knows, maybe Bill Gates was a stoner too.
I don’t know what happened to Sammy later on in life but I can guess the Circle had an influence on him too. If Sammy had grown up with Bill Gates he would most likely be the second richest man in the world right now. Instead, Sammy was stuck with a bunch of teenage stoners trying to figure out how get lizards up in orbit. But then who knows, maybe Bill Gates was a stoner too.
Last I spoke with Sam, he worked as the President for his wifes construction company on Guam. (He hates being called Sammy). That was about 2 years ago. Last he told me, was planning to go back to tracking satalites. (I always assumed that he worked for S.E.T.I., but he denied it). He did work for Ford Areo Space, sub contractor fon NASA on Guam. He's still on the Rock somewhere.
I forgot to mention, the first time that I met Sam he was climbing up a tree in his yard retreiving a modle rocked that he had just launched. The second time that I was introduced to him, he had just made some home made gun powder. Why these stick into my mind, I don't know?
Hey I just terrorized Sam with a telephone call as only an old buddy can do. He had just walked in the door of Joanna's house and who was looking at the picture of the gang that Paul had sent over. It was a real techno/Kodak moment. Sam is married with two twin daughters. He is back in the satellite tracking business and his wife just started up her own school on Guam. He is still the same keeping the ones he loves on track. Sam you better get online here and start posting or I will on your behalf, that goes for you too Dean.
NASA, that's so ironic. Maybe our twisted influence had a positive affect on him after all. BTW: "get lizards up in orbit" refers to us talking Sam into placing lizards into the payload of his rockets. They didn't always survive the trip.
Sam is a satellite tracker still, I always bug him about his T.S. clearance...he said if he tells me, then he'll have to kill me.I still think he sees things like ufo's but, he won't and does not believe in them whatsoever...But,hey the gecko's saw them I bet...
Sam and Sean Perdew both were/are brains. Sean was into building the remotecontrol airplanes, rockets, and anything that was chalanging to the rest of us. Sean dosn't have any fancy degrees, but knows more than most who do.
Oh,I forgot the Larson's Methlab (methane). It took some genius to figure such a thing out. I am probably wrong, but wasn't it Pete who thought of such a thing? I listen to all the people looking for "alternative" energy. They are looking at the wrong end of the chicken. Haa
I don't like speaking for other people, especially family. But my brother Sean is a Genius in his own right. Remarkably smart! He works for an International Company and travels abroad often. Not my place to say what he does, but I can say that I am proud of him, his family and his success!
Joanna, Tell Sammy, I mean Sam, I'm sorry for being part of the conspiracy to blow up his egg crate rocket. We didn't calculate the imbalance caused when we squeezed that jumbo tube of model glue into it just before blast off. We meant for it to reach a few thousand feet (as all Sam's rockets did) and THEN blow up, but instead it went up about twenty feet and then headed for the ironwood tree and crashed and burned. Tell him not to kill me now that he knows where I live.
Pete I'll tell him because I remember being in fear for my life because of his hobbies. It was always exciting though. We'd sometimes bring fireworks from Japan...Scary. Then I think he'd use me and Dean as target practice with his airplanes...Duck and Run!!! Just kidding Sam, if you log in that is:)
LOL, Pete, THATS why his egg rocket caught on fire. I could never figure out why it burned when none of the others did???
Dan and Pete, I remember you guys so well. This probably won't be read but it was a crazy elongated circle.I miss the blog from around this time.I went back to reminisce the blogs from the earlier days...Dave and Robert will probably recieve it because they are the original and great guru's.If you 2 read this, remember the days of ignorance:)!!!!!Dave and Robert,that is.
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