Friday, May 1, 2009

Clever Comment

Someone named 1hotblonde posted this comment after a swine flu story posted on our local newpapers web site. I thought is was pretty clever and funny.

"People have said: A black man will become president "when pigs fly." Now 100 days in office and we have a "pig flu (flew)."


mat said...

It's like those Red Bull commercials where they say "Red Bull gives you wings" Thanks for that Cindy.That was funny.

DRL said...

Mark said BAAABWEEE looked like he/she was looking like it was about to take off.

Ric Larson said...

Or is he half white and black?

DRL said...

Joanna, as a country that is trying to become "colorblind", why does it mater to you what ethnic decent he is?

Mat, you are so funny to notice that she only mentioned half of him. What is the other half, Yellow?

Oh, did anyone else see that the Iran President, I call him Gilligan, is using our Presidents campaign slogan?