Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sean's Big Day!

Sean, you are one big guy! Yet a lovable fuzz-ball as a younger brother! Sorry I'm not big enough to kick your butt any more, but I am still big enough to give you a big hug! Love you Sean! Your special day starts in a few hours! Love, Ric and Teresa!


mat said...

You too Sean? Well shit happy birthday bro! Hope you have a marvelous day. And you're family too because my dad and your dad were best friends. Does anybody ever think that we are all older than our parents were when we lived at the Circle.Now that deserves a Whoa.

Ric Larson said...

Yes Mat, they were best of friends! And their friendship has built continues friendships, such as ours! I’m thinking they are both hanging out there in the cosmos on a celestial cloud somewhere in the “after life” contemplating the Universe? It was my stepfather, Dr. Paul Perdew that drew my interests into the sciences and astronomy. He once told me, “The Universe is one big mathematical problem where the remainder is always changing”. It took me years to understand that.

Becki said...

Whoa! Happy Birthday Sean. Enjoy the day.

DRL said...

Hey Sean, I think I was a day late last year, and I think Ric is a day early, SO, Susan has to treat you special for 3 days. Just say we said so. Oh, and now you are an old man, you got me by 1 year.

Hope you have a great day.

Talk to me later, bro.

Doug said...

Sean & Cindy have the same birthday?! Wow.
Cue the twilight zone music.
Happy Birthday to you both!

Dave said...

HBD Sean, better than an STD.

Sean said...

Thanks all for your b'day wishes. Also remember Kelley, who's b'day is on the 6th or the 8th.

Cindy said...

Hey Sean, It's cool that we share the same birthday! I'm having a great one...hope you are too!

Joanna said...

Happy Birthday Sean!