Friday, May 8, 2009

GOP loses top spokesman and advisor

Joe the Plumber announced to Time magazine he is so outraged by GOP overspending, he’s quitting the Republican party. The news is causing panic in Republican circles as they scramble to fill the leadership void. I have to wonder if one of the regular Joe's here would be willing to step up and take his place. I would do it myself (hey, I can lie too) but that transvestite Ann Coulter makes me puke. I was thinking something more along the lines of :

Dave the Dispatcher takes reins of GOP


rac said...

Has a nice ring to it. If the GOP thing doesn't work out for you DRL, you can always try the WWF.

This Sunday at the downtown areana see Dave the Dispatcher take on Lawrence the Liberal in a no holds cage death match. Tickets $5 in advance, $3 at the door.

DRL said...

RAC, If I get the reins, I also want the wip, he he he.

DRL said...

Make that the cat of nine tails. ooooooooooooo, yeaaaaaaa

DRL said...

rac, I think I am too conservitive for the GOP ;) ju no wha I mean?

Doug said...

So Joe who's real name isn't Joe, the plumber who really isn't a plumber, will be leaving the public forum.
I'll try to take time from my busy social calendar to forget about him.

Sean said...

"Joe the Plumber" never asked to be anything to the GOP. As I recall, he simply asked a question of the candidate Obama and then his name was dragged through the mud by the Obama machine, er, I mean, by the mainstream media. It was amazing how much they could dig up on this man overnight, but didn't bother doing any investigative reporting on Obama during the entire campaign.

DRL said...

Sean, That's okay big brother. I got the reins now.

Doug said...

Bullshit. From campaign appearances to book signings to keynote addresses he has milked this thing for everything it's worth.
Quit playing this guy for some kind of victim of a liberal media smear campaign.
Fact is if it weren't for the media he would never have emerged from obscurity to begin with.

Sean said...

Doug, so your theory is that he planned to get in front of Obama and the cameras and then pose the question just so he could 'milk it'?

Ric Larson said...

Why is it that Doug and RAC must use comments like “Bullshit” and “shut the fuck up”? Is this their attempting to win a debate by an unwritten rule “one that speaks loudest or uses insulting words wins”? Never works guys.

rac said...

Ric, winning a debate with you is much easier than that.

Ric Larson said...

RAC, I don’t believe you and I have every really debated. I wouldn’t call much on this blog a debate. And if you think or feel that you can or have won a debate with me, I hope that makes you feel all fuzzy and warm inside. ;)

Doug said...

no not really, although it's possible. More likely he has taken advantage of the opportunity that presented itself when approached by Obama and has just kind of run with it.
This hardly makes him a victim of media exploitation. More a beneficiary than anything else.

Doug said...

my substandard public education sometimes lends itself to coarse language.
I meant no offense.

Ric Larson said...

Of course not Doug! ;)

Sean said...

Doug - my point really wasn't about "Joe" it was about the so-called news organizations.

It isn't that they fawn and gush over Obama. It isn't the rosy reports they give every little thing he says and does, rather it is the fact that they aren't asking any hard questions. They are NOT fulfilling their obligations to our republic and no longer deserve the "freedom of the press".

Doug said...

Well if it makes you feel any better I heard Sean Hannity the other night bitching about how Obama put dijon mustard on his cheeseburger.
Not exactly Peabody award caliber reporting but it's a start.

Sean said...

Sean Hannity is not a reporter. He does not bill himself as a reporter. He doesn't get a free press pass, as far as I know.

Sean said...

But, by the way, how many of the news channels (including FOX now doubt) went with a "breaking news" story to cover the fact that he went out for burgers with his (human shield) VP and ate burgers with the common folk.