Friday, May 29, 2009

Defcon 2

Military readiness changed to DefCon 2 due to that North Korean douchebag stirring things up once again.
Is it just me or does he look like a chia pet.


Dave said...

It won't be long; he'll be dropping a load on one of his neighbors or on us. Can you spell preemptive strike?

mat said...

Bomb em into the stone age.Oh yea they are in the stoneage.Bomb em anyways.

juliet said...

I think I can, I worked directly at the DMZ for 5 years teaching English to the KATUSA soldiers there.

Doug said...

You know for the life of me even as crazy as that guy is I still can't see him pulling the trigger like that.
Even he has to realize that to do so would mean fairly instant incineration.

rac said...

I would agree. He reminds me of a spoiled little brat who acts up when he's not getting enough attention.

juliet said...

What do we really know about him, the news always tells the same old stories about him. Movie freak, retard, excentric.

Doug said...

Likes young girls and expensive Scotch.

Joanna said...

Psycho in the least.Chia pet. Doug? I wish it were true. Exterminate him,but then who would follow? Scary these days but,like I said it is better to be in the center of it all.Hopefully our families will be together,God forbid it happens. p.s. If it's us,get him!!!Or any U.S.A. land and people.

Joanna said...

High heels and high hair...and being nuts.Just crazy.Everyone in this area is up in arms,despite some news reports.