Tuesday, June 24, 2008

vegas rooms


DRL said...

ignore this one

Ric Larson said...

Can't ignore this one. It must be used for something. How about an open platform to shoot the 'what ever is on your mind' thing?

I'll start first. Ric

Ric Larson said...

Just recieved an email from my 'freshman in college daughter' whom is only 16 going on 17. She just started dating a soldier going off to the Middle East. He is 18. She atached photos of them snuggling, and asked for my approval.

My initial intuition was to drive down to North Carolina, lock his 'private ass' heels, then sucker puch him.

But then, I remember myself being in his same shoes 28 plus years ago. So I calmed myself down.

I just responded by writing my daughter via the email to tell him that I know 'Karate' and 'ten other Japanese words'. Can any of you parents of teen age girls going to college, drop me some advise here? Help!

Doug, your turn is next.

Doug said...

1). Pray that God grant you and your daughter wisdom.

2). Check to see that 12 gauge pump is sufficiently oiled & blued.

3). Box of #4 Express Load Shells. Good stopping power.

4). A cursory check of vital personal documents to ensure that affairs are in order.

5). A place to "hole up" for a few years, you know until things die down a bit. Perhaps this would be a good time to visit our old pal Ben Bast and his boat.

6). Drink heavily.

Ric Larson said...
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Ric Larson said...

Hmmmmm? I like your advise Doug!