Saturday, November 17, 2007

And the winner is...

Who's Tat #1
This was kind of a trick question. Both the boob and tattoo belong to my other half Ylana. The irony is this is the same panther design my Dad had on his arm. Cindy and Pat lose points on this one.

Who's Tat #2
This would be me. Cindy gets bonus points for the "big bicep" remark.

Who's Tat #3
Based on some of your comments, it would appear Doug has the sexiest ankles on the blog. Cindy hit this one out of the park.


Cindy said...

I thought that panther tattoo looked kind of familiar. And I learn something new about you all the time little brother..didn't even know you had a tattoo.

DRL said...

I knew I had seen the panther. RAC does she still scream out my name?

juliet said...

how did you get the tattoo Doug?

Joanna said...

Who's Tat is Who's?All Robert's?

Doug said...

Yep the Seminole Head is me. Right ankle. Thing is when they did it years ago they shaved my ankle and the hair never grew back. Makes me glad I never shaved my head. I had it done at a local tattoo parlor, and yes I was sober.