Sunday, November 11, 2007

US NAVY SEALS (turn up the volume)


rac said...

You’re right, I wasn't a Navy Seal... but we did deliver Hustlers and cigarettes to some in the Persian Gulf one time. Those dudes are bad ass.

Ric Larson said...

Hey RAC. I respect the Navy Seals. Probably the best Special opts group in the world! While stationed at Fort Benning Ga. for my 3rd time (the Army Infantry Center), I got to train along side with a bunch of those guys while in the Infantry Officers Basic Course! While on a training exercise in the field, one of these guys ate a live lizard...just because he said that he was hungery.

What more than can I say to him, but that "you the man"!

Joanna said...

Hi Robert,my condolences for you and your Family.
Hey that Navy Seals Promo was Bad!!! I mean Bad!!!(on Guam that means good,very good:)Did it mean that back in the day?
I saw Pat Atherton, he said he'd e-mail Johnny Borja.
Take it Easy,