Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Man Gui Guifi Yu, Ta'lu" (re-mixed)

Check out some of the surfers on this WMV.


Dave said...

Thanks for that great production Johnny, it brought back a lot of memories for me. Guam sure has changed over the years. Some of it by the hands of man, some by the hand of God. Have a safe trip and please dont forget us here on the blog.

Ric Larson said...

Johnny, really enjoyed this video! Just wish that I had your computer skills, gnarley surfing skills, and musical skills that you are blessed with! I can't figure out how to negotiate the computer quite yet, and I wiped out at Sandy's beach and broke a tail bone. But I sing a real bad tenor key, over and over again!

Do you have any concerts planned while in Tahiti!???

Joanna said...

Nice tune Johnny. People who aren't from here can relate in a very special way. You know we have our Chamorro songs but, your music is refreshing. It makes me proud of where I live...the only place that I can call home.Si Yuus Maasi!!!

Johnny Borja said...

Ric, regarding the computer, all I do is read the HELP file and take it from there. Someday I will actually own a digi-cam and then I'll do more.

No concerts in Tahiti this time around. Surf is too important; a new swell is hitting the North Shore of Tahiti, so I have to surf Papeeno, Rocky Point, Chinese Bay and River Mouth.

DAVE....will post some more stuff when I return Brah ! Eazy ah?!

Johnny Borja said...

Well, I'm back from Tahiti. Surfed Taapuna 4 - 6 foot and glassy. Took out my new 6'5" Quad Bat-tail epoxy and it rode really nice.
Next stop is North Shore this coming weekend, where I'll be hooking up with my longtime childhod & teen years' friend Jeff Jones !!! Yeah!!