Friday, November 16, 2007

Does anyone know Brian Leon Guerrero or Loretto Vitor

My boss at Philips also grew up on Guam, but on the other side of the island. He went to Dededo HS.


Ric Larson said...

Hey Sean, was your boss on the island the same time we were? Was he a local or an implant like we were?

If anyone were to them, it would be Johnny Borja or Joanna Sparks. that would be nice if some one that we grew up with new them or of them!


DRL said...

Sean, I am willing to bet a dime to a donut that Brian and Loretto do.
There was not a Dededo HS then. It was GW and JFK (Plus the two porocial high schools).

Johnny Borja said...

Hey Sean,
Ask your boss what year he graduated from Dededo Jr. High.

He sounds like a local, especially with that last name. I don't know Loretto either, but hey, we must just know the same circle of people.


Ric Larson said...

Hey Dave, I wouldn't bet a thing against Sean. He knows the...'know', you know! I'll take the doughnut, and you can keep the dime. (Just kidding brother...with a big big smile)!

You have a better memory than I of the schools that were in Guam while we lived there.

And wasn't one of those Porochial High Schools an 'all Chick High School'? "Saint Sister Mother Mary Somthing or Another"?

Lets hope Sean gets the answers to his question!

Doug said...

Father Duenas was the all boys school & Notre Dame the all girls.
Father Duenas was by far the hardest hitting football team i ever played against.
Bunch of angry Catholics.

juliet said...

Academy in Agana and Notre Dame in Talafofo. I went to Notre Dame.

Sean said...

My boss's name is Randy Barnes - he went to Dededo Jr. HS and graduated at another HS in 78.

My grandfather taught at Father Duenas for a few years - chemistry and math, I think.

Ric/Dave - what were the other schools we went to? I think that many have changed their names since we were there...

There was the school over by Harmon Village where we finished out 3rd grade.

Was it Price Elementary with the small merry go rounds (I fondly recall the young ones being lured into a ride, and then flying off as we ramped up speed and 'pulled in' to the center).

What was the school with Pat Nelson?

Inarajan Jr. High for 7th grade?
Barrigada Jr. High for 8th Grade?

DRL said...

Sean, We went to Yigo Elementary School. Then to Yona Elementary School, then to Price Elementary. Then you went to Barrigada Jr. Hi., and Ric and I went to Inaranjan Jr. hi. Then to Barrigada, and then GWHS.

Ric Larson said...

Why do I think that when we first arrived on Guam that we went to 'Finegayon Elementery Screwal' in Dededo'?

Sean, I believe that it was at Finegayon that had the merry go round. Remember that well.

And Mr. Pat Nelson (Pot Smellsome) was our 5th grade teacher at Yona. Dan Larson was also in that class. He was the long blonde hippie teacher that was really cool and into the Mamma's and the Pappa's. I remember him crying when Mamma Cass died.

DRL said...

Ric you might be right. why was I thinking (I don't think as a norm) it was Yego?

Ric Larson said...

Don't know Dave, but Yigo is also in my memory banks for some reason? How were we associated with Yigo? Hmmmm? Sean, need you help hear!

Joanna said...

Wow,I thought I had a bad memory but, then again I'm still here:)Jus Zokin!!!

Sean said...

Dave and Ric -

I think Dave has it almost right, except I, too, went to Inarajan Jr high (I've still got the yearbook to 'prove it'). So that would mean that Price had the little merry go rounds that we used to fling kids from.

I didn't go to GW, because I was back in the states by then.

Sean said...

Joanna - all of these schools seem to have either changed their names or remain unregistered on the site. So far, I haven't found anywhere this is documented. Any ideas?

There were all elementary schools when we attended.

Sean said...

It looks like, for example, that Barrigada Jr. High is now called Untalan Middle School. I see Juliet is registered there with classmates.

Sean said...

OK, OK, OK - In the IT world we always tell users to "RTFM". I guess I should ROTI before asking questions. (Research On The Internet).

I did find some helpful info:

School listings including some old/new names

Dededo/Finegayan Elementary
Yigo/Daniel Perez Elementary
Yona/Lujan Elementary
Mangilao/Henry Price
Inarajan/Inarajan Middle School
Barrigada/Luis Untalan Middle School

amy said...

i remember one year they made us all from dean circle go to an elementary school far away instead of price was that yigo or yona i remember a really cool music teacher that loved john denver. oh and hi sean lol

DanL said...

Your memories amaze me. I just remember having loads of fun with all you guys. The small merry-go-rounds at price, the swings at Yona, running from Mrs. George the para-pro at price.
Ya, Amy, we had to ride that bus all the way to Yona. I hated that ride. Except when we would go by the overlook to Pago bay. Man that was beautiful. Every morining and after noon. I just wanted to be down there in the water.
You guys made Elementary Fun.

Mr. Nelson wasn't even a Trained/educated Teacher. He was a substitute that just hung in there. they didn't have a teacher for our 5th grade class that year.
I remember going to his houser(apt) with you guys. He. and his wife had separate bedrooms? I thought she was his sister for a moment. strange!

Amy, where did you go to 5th grade? You guys moved and we lost track of you. I remember going to the movies with sparks. We picke you and sisters up at your new house, Riding in the back of a pickup truck. That was the first time I saw you since you guys moved.