Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I haven't been on as much as usual these last few days.  Last week here in Tallahassee we had another one of our wrath of God type rains we're sometimes known for and unfortunately we got water in the house.  Carpet had to be removed in all 3 BR's, drywall removed and walls dried with these jet engine type fans and so now we're in the process of getting bids on drywall/carpet/paint and all that.  Drainage diversion alone will be 8 grand. I don't know what all the other stuff will cost but I'm pretty sure that it will be bigger than a bread box. So I have no internet at home,  my family is spread across three corners of the county and oh by the way no flood insurance.  
Anyways just an update as to why I've been kind of scarce.  I imagine it will be a good month or so before I get my shit back together. Maybe longer, maybe never, who the hell knows.  I will check in as I can from the salt mine but in the meantime remember that you all suck.


Anonymous said...

Hi Doug. In deed this is a trying time for you, I do hope your insurance will cover the expenses. Even if it does, I understand that it never covers the inconvenience and lost time spent wadding through the mess and loss. I will pray for you.

Anonymous said...

As a side note, I lived in Florida from 82-98 and know about the rains you speak of . Although my home never flooded, my septic tank did many times backing up into every drain in the house including my beauty shop hair washing bowl. It was hard explaining the foul odor to my customers.

Dave said...

Hang in there Doug, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Out here in the desert where I live, I pray for rain and celebrate when it sprinkles for 5 minutes.

mat said...

Doug, hang in there dude. I know it must suck. We'll keep you in our prayers. All our bulshitting aside, your family. Circle rat full of shit piss me off family, but family nonethless. Ditto what Dave said. Peace.

Cindy said...

Oh No Doug...you poor guy, and your poor family. Keeping you in my thoughts...hope it does not take too long to get things back to normal.

Paul said...

Wow dude, bummer deals man...

Joanna said...

Hang in there Doug and Family!

Becki said...

Hey Doug...I am so sorry for the trauma. Thank you for sharing it, though. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and if there is ANYTHING I can do, please let me know.

Ric Larson said...

Doug, life does suck at times! But you have proven that you can handle the hurdles that life dishes. Sorry about the floods and your home. Keep your chin up.

Joanna said...

Public assistance is not "taboo".Use it if you need it ...just don't comment here on it!

rac said...

Some would claim this is God's vengeance for you being a Lefty. Personally I think it's just a case of bad luck. However, it probably wouldn't hurt to attend sunrise service this Sunday... just in case. Good luck.

Doug said...

Sunrise Service...those are usually pretty early aren't they?

rac said...

I'm pretty sure they have a late one too. Like at noon or something.

Doug said...

So the guys that removed the carpet and drywall also offered for a fee to haul the shit off and me being smart said no that's okay the city will haul it off just leave it by the curb. I should have known something was up when they just kind of looked at each other sideways with little knowing smirks on their faces.
Turns out this stuff is classified as hazardous construction debris and nobody wants anything to do with it. So now I have to load this crap in my truck and drive clear across the county and pay a tipping fee at some recycling place to get rid of this moldering pile of carpet and drywall.
The drywall is done, next up is painting. Then the carpet. On Monday the storm water control and diversion team begins work on destroying my back yard.
If this ordeal gets much more expensive I'm going to have to sell my wife into slavery. Either that or sell some of my gold. Tough choice.
Happy Easter everyone!

Rod said...

I like the you all suck part!