Saturday, April 18, 2009

Official Site of the Alaska Climate Change Sub-Cabinet

Governor Palin signs Administrative Order 238 creating the Climate Change Sub-Cabinet on September 14, 2007. The Sub-Cabinet advises the Office of the Governor on the preparation and implementation of an Alaska climate change strategy.

The impacts of climate warming in Alaska are already occurring. These impacts include coastal erosion, increased storm effects, sea ice retreat and permafrost melt. The villages of Shishmaref, Kivalina, and Newtok have already begun relocation plans. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has identified over 160 additional rural communities threatened by erosion. Click here to see photographs of some of the Alaska climate change issues.


rac said...

Look, I'm not sure what to believe when it comes to global warming. What I do know is the governor of Alaska is concerned enough about it to create a sub-cabinet. Their actions are based on what is happening around them - on evidence. And this from a woman who's not real keen on scientific evidence.

mat said...

Are you ready to trade in your Jeep for a Prius yet? If not then you aren't part of the solution your part of the problem. All the posts in the world aren't going to change it. It's like all the people that used to wear the little red ribbons for aids awareness and thought that helped. No changing the behavior helped. Same with climate change. If you really give a shit then step up to the plate and lead by example. Be the first one on the blog to own a hybrid or electric or rubber band powered car. I didn't think so. Me I work at eight AM and I'm gonna go start the Chevy now and let it idle for 15 or 20 minutes to warm up.

Sean said...

There are two subjects when it comes to "global warming" or "climate change".

1) is climate change occuring?
2) is it caused by man and can we somehow alter it?

I don't doubt that the climate changes. Throughout the history of the world, temperatures have risen, temperatures have fallen. Ice ages have come, and ice has receeded. This has happened many times, long before mankind was ever here to bring it about.

We tend to look at a very small snapshot in time which, although many years from our perspective, is but a blink in the eye of Earth's history. We think about how a piece of the coast looked when our fathers were children and think that it has always been this way. This is the hubris of man and also the a great paradox. Mankind has not flourished on this Earth and become the dominant species because the climate and conditions were exactly perfect for us. No, we have thrived because we are adaptable. We inhabit every continent, we raise generations in the frozen tundra of Alaska and in the scorching desert of the Mojave.

The planet warms and cools. The weather patterns change. The ice lays waste to vast continents and then it retires again. This has happened over and over.

The second question is entirely about control. Not control of the planet and her temperature, but rather control of corporations, economies, you and I. It is about regulating our live and our energy use so that the few have total dominion over our very breath. And, for what? We can't control the weather, we can barely predict it. Reject this nonsense and move on.

rac said...

To answer mat's question, yes I will someday own an electric can. That I will guarantee you. I'm going to plug it into a solar charging station too.

For me there are two separate issues we are talking about. One is air pollution. It exists, I know it exists. I've lived in two of this country's worst areas in terms of air quality - LA and Salt Lake. Air pollution sucks. There were days in Salt Lake where you couldn't go outside, the air was so bad it would give you flu like symptoms. For the life of me I can't understand how you guy's think this is a good thing. Either you have never experienced it or you are subconsciously suicidal.

The next issue is climate change. I believe there is strong scientific evidence showing it is occurring. Hell, even Sara Palin acknowledges this fact (and she believes we use to hunt dinosaurs). As to the cause - who knows. But it is definitely worth studying. What we do know for sure is what CFC's do to ozone. It is basic chemistry and verifiable in the laboratory. If you don't understand it maybe you can get our college boy Dave to explain it.

rac said...

Sean, here's another point of view on Dominionism:

The Despoiling of America...American Christianity had already seen extremes. For Dominionists, perhaps the single most important event in the last half of the twentieth century occurred when the Reverend Jim Jones proved that the religious would follow their leader to Guyana and even further, to their deaths. That fact could hardly have escaped the notice of even the dullest of politically minded preachers.

Indeed, Jim Jones’ surreal power over his congregants leaps out from the grave even today. If a man desired to change the laws in America—to undo Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal for instance, and allow corporations the unbridled freedom they enjoyed prior to the Great Depression (which included the freedom to defraud, pillage, and to destroy the land with impunity on the way to gathering great fortunes), what better way to proceed than to cloak the corruption within a religion? If a few men wanted to establish an American empire and control the entire world, what better vehicle to carry them to their goal than to place their agenda within the context of a religion? Jim Jones proved religious people would support even immoral political deeds if their leaders found a way to frame those deeds as “God’s Will.” The idea was brilliant. Its framers knew they could glorify greed, hate, nationalism and even a Christian empire with ease.

The religion the canny thinkers founded follows the reverse of communism and secular humanism, it poured political and economic ideology into a religion and that combustible mixture produced “Dominionism,” a new political faith that had the additional advantage of insulating the cult from attacks on its political agenda by giving its practitioners the covering to simply cry out, “You’re attacking me for my religious beliefs and that’s religious persecution!”...

Dave said...

We are not being controlled only by Dominionism, but by Demonism. There are some bad eggs trying to rule the world. Air pollution happens, climate change happens. There is nothing wrong with keeping the earth clean. And finally, after years of hard work, rac is coming over to the right side of the fence, acknowledging that Sarah Palin is hot.

rac said...

Dave, you make two very significant points. One is "Sara Palin is hot" and the other is "there are some bad eggs trying to rule the world". One thing we can be sure of, those eggs are neither Democrat or Republican. They use us both to accomplish their goals.

Sean said...

It is not Democrats gaining more power or Republicans gaining more power that is the issue, but rather government gaining more power. If you think it is great that democrats are becoming a bigger part of your life (whether through control of carbon emissions, education or healthcare) ask yourself if you will be so happy when the republicans have that same power.

It is not the federal government that makes us great, it is the Americans who designed it and the Americans who will watch over it and keep it in check.

rac said...

Climate refugees in Pacific flee rising sea

Ric Larson said...

Sarah Palin is a very hot babe! Nice wavy hair, tanned skin, and she wears glasses (always loved chicks in glasses)…just like my wife! “I’ll be right in bed honey”! Score!