Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Republicans Plan Tax Day Sex Party

Walking out of my local grocery store today I was accosted by an attractive young woman handing out fliers. She said a group of Republicans were planning a Tax Day tea-bagging party and asked if I would come. Needless to say I was a bit surprised by this unexpected turn of events. All this time I thought conservatives were a bunch of frigid old fuddy duddies. Turns out they're a lot kinkier than I imagined. I can't wait for the Angry Dragon and Houdini parties. I wonder if this was the 'change' Sean was talking about?


Doug said...

How come I don't ever get accosted by attractive young Republican ladies? Or Democrat. Libertarian. Independent. Reform.
Just as well really. I wouldn't be able to make it. I have to paint the bathroom.

Dave said...

Hey, isn't that lefty the cat?

rac said...

I think you might be right... and he looks pissed.

Seriously though. How inept are these people that they can't even organize a protest without screwing it up. Oh, the jokes that will 'come'. hahaha

Culture Vulture: Thinking dirty isn't everyone's cup of tea

Dave said...

The Tea Parties are not a partisan effort. Lefty, Righty and everyone down the middle are getting involved to do something about an out of control, run away federal government. Anyone with half a brain can see where our country is heading, but doing something about it... now that takes some real intelligence.

rac said...

Dave, your premise that this is a partisan effort is 'nuts'. If it were then Fox News would not be its biggest 'supporter'. hehehe

And maybe if the Teabaggers were to use more than "half a brain" they might actually know what it is they're protesting. The way it stands now they don't really have a clue. Maybe they should have hired a couple of hippies as consultants.

Dave said...

rac, read carefully. This 'is not' a partisan effort.. meaning it is bi-partisan. FOX news is not a left-wing liberal/socialist/anti-american news agency, as are the ones that are too spineless to cover this very important news event. Do you actually approve of higher taxes vs lower taxes?

rac said...

My taxes have been lowered. Unlike you I don't make over $250,000 a year. Besides the tax rate you guys are protesting are the 2008 rates.

Cindy said...

My taxes are lower too..and I was able to qualify for that tax credit for first time home buyers last year... a big help.

Doug said...

When I bought my house I didn't get shit. Story of my life.