Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our president declares that "America has been enriched by Muslim Americans"

and appoints a radical gay pope basher to America's faith based initiatives board.


mat said...

Hell yea! Gas is three cents less a gallon at U-Pump It. And hot dogs are two for a dollar with fill up. Yeehah.

Doug said...

yeah who else is going to staff all the Quickie Marts?

rac said...

America has been enriched by all her immigrants. Where did your family come from Sean?

Sean said...

Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland, France and Germany. So far as I know. A bunch of mutts to be sure.

The point is, this is a typical statement that is said without any real thought behind it. Point in fact - we haven't been enriched by all our immigrants, especially not of late. How are we enriched by those who sneak over the boarder, take advantage of our "free" services and send most of what they do earn back to their "real countries"? How enriching will it be when we start seeing Sharia law taking effect as it has in the UK?

I'm sure there are muslim Americans who enrich us. But there are also many muslim immigrants who have no intention of ever becoming Americans who have quite different purposes in mind.