Saturday, April 25, 2009

World Malaria Day April 25th, 2009

World Malaria Day is commemorated on April 25, the date in 2000 when 44 African leaders met in Abuja, Nigeria, and signed the Abuja Declaration, committing their countries to cutting malaria deaths in half by 2010. Malaria is a preventable and treatable parasitic disease transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria continues to cause approximately 1 million deaths worldwide each year, with nearly 90% of these deaths occurring among young children in Africa.

Here is a press release from the US Malaria Coordinator.

And, here is where you can go to help by purchasing a mosquito net to save a life.


Joanna said...

Cindy,You are very informative to the real issues.!1 million people,mostly children,is so sad but,we all have to make a donation,as humans.Keep the info coming:)

Cindy said...

Thank you Joanna! I donated today to buy some mosquito nets!

DRL said...

The best thing we can do to save the life of humans is to bring back DDT. It was the best defense ever. It is more important in the eyes of the environmentalist to save the life of Falcons. Let the human children die in the name of the environment. We are being hit hard in America with the West Niles Virus. I have lost a friend and two others hospitalized for months because of the mosquito.

I ask, which is more important?