Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm not an inteligent woman, but I play one on TV

Olberman/Garofolo "Racist Teabagging Rednecks"


Doug said...

I actually saw that guy's speech or whatever it was that they're referring to in Pensacola on the news. I remember thinking to myself well that took some backbone. As to whether it was completely factual and all that like Olberman said who knows but the guy did get up in front of a crowd with pretty much polar opposite views and speak his mind.
But anyway more to the topic of Garofolo or whatever her name is she's just one more politically slanted talking head. The generalizations she made are pretty much without real merit as I think most people were out there because they're pissed about how things are headed. Now you and I can argue that course or direction's merit until a week from Sunday, and we probably will, but to dismiss the protesters wholly as frontal lobe challenged serves no useful purpose. What it does accomplish is to further polarize an already fractious minority party, the more radical fringe of which is openly fomenting dissolution of the Union.
Garofolo on the left, Limbaugh on the right literally live for this shit. And why not? It would get boring pretty quick listening to Garofolo comment on her acting achievements or Limbaugh pontificating about the perils of prescription drug abuse.

mat said...

I sort of agree with you Doug as weird as it sounds,but I would like to make some observations. First, Janene Garofolo is a hottie. At least she was last time I saw her on TV. Making some kind of comparisons between her and Rush though are like comparing some choice Afghani hash and mexican shitweed. Rush is the radio talk king and openly discussed his drug problem. You may not like the guy but if you have listened to him over the years you would know that. He owned up to it and talked about treatment and made no excuses. He wasn't a victim, and didn't blame anyone except himself.And yea he got popped for bringing Viagra in his luggage when coming back from vacation but it was legal and nothing came of it. Even fat ugly rich guys have a right to get laid if they can afford it. Garofolo on the other hand is not even in that league. Even for the left. Al Franken and Randi Rhoades have her beat by a mile. So I understand you saying that anything Garofolo says should be taken with a grain of salt as far as her speaking for the left. But Rush does speak for a lot of the right. And his salary reflects that.Just saying Doug.

Ric Larson said...

This does not surprise me. It’s from PMSNBC. She really can’t be that naive? No one can be that naive, can they?

Doug said...

did you say Garofolo was a hottie? i think she's kind of a skank.

Cindy said...

I've always thought one of the best sex scenes in a movie (a not rated x one) is the one where she has phone sex in the movie "The Truth About Cats & Dogs".

rac said...

Sure she's a skank, that's what makes her hot.