Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Secretary Napolitano??

I have not seen anything on here about Secretary of Homeland Security calling returning Veterans (Americans hero's) as Terrorist Threats to America.

What do you on the left have to say about her.

This, in my opinion, is the left returning to the Vietnam era of spiting on returning veterans. I think she should have lost her job over this. Because she did not, I can only assume that the President agrees with her. I would like to see wrong called wrong.

As a member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars it is always a privilege to help in the grave side military rights of a fallen veteran (it doesn't matter if in war time or peace time). All who have served should be considered hero's. I know that Timothy McVeigh was a veteran and the worst American terrorist. Use the exception to the rule if you wish to defend what she said, it won't go far.

All gave some, some gave all.


DRL said...

I reread my post. It looks like I am attacking those on the left. I am not. I am just wondering if wrong can be called wrong on both sides? Just as the Texas Governor was by those on the right. I did not use the words that Cindy did, but had the same sentiment.

DRL said...

As I said, If I offended anyone, it was not my intention.

I know that any freedom we have is on the shoulders of veterans.

Doug said...

is there a link or address where this is discussed in some detail?
I guess I could make something up but I find it somewhat awkward formulating an opinion on a topic I know nothing about.

juliet said...

Doug this is what I googled. Drl is there an exact quote. I don't think she is lumping all Veterans as terrorists.

Doug said...

I took no offense.
Okay so I read the pdf and article and I must say that the parallel you are drawing between this document and "spitting on returning veterans" is a stretch.
The sad reality is that there exists a tiny minority from both sides of the political spectrum that are willing and capable of crossing a line that separates healthy and earnest dissent from violence and public mayhem.
It is no mystery that radical groups have been seeking those with combat military experience. In fact for a number of years some Latino gangs have quite successfully sought to have their members join the Marines to gain weapons and combat knowledge. Their attempts at this have been made easier by the fact that american citizenship is not a requirement for military enlistment.
Is it your position that since these gang bangers are honored veterans that no matter what their ultimate antisocial intentions may be they should be left to their own derelict devices?
It would seem to me that one of the inherent functions of a governmental department such as Homeland Security is to sometimes have to give consideration to the possibility of things not going how we'd like. Like say for example, returning veterans with combat experience for whatever reason going off the deep end. The pdf Juliet provided a link to specifically details a recently returned veteran shooting and killing four police officers earlier this month. And this kind of thing has happened before.
Big Brother is watching all of us. At times you can almost understand why that is.

Ric Larson said...

Like something I said before, on another thread, “What better way to attempt to put fear in your own people”?

What is the best way to control the masses? But by fear…of course, right? By inducing fear, you have gained total control.

But, it is a very, very bad idea to even attempt to put fear in American veterans. There are a lot of us out there!

The current administration needs to learn to think before they speak or comment.

‘Oh, but she, he, they meant to say this or that, hog wash!

Doug said...

I may be missing something but where exactly in this document is the framework outlined for instilling fear in anyone, let alone veterans?
Again, it seems to me to be fairly pedestrian government speak referring to the potential for right wing extremist groups to attempt to recruit veterans to their own devious ends.
Like it or not, that potential is a real one, however remote the possibility.

mat said...

I am a veteran of eight years of the US Army.Six active and two in the Guam National Guard(Beetle nut brigade). I must say and this is adressed to whoever gives a shit.I am damn proud of my veteran status but some of the biggest assholes I ever knew were in the Army. They don't commit crimes because they are battle hardened or any such shit. The Army just has the shittiest recruiting standards around. Remember all the post office massacres of years past? If I were a former postal worker I wouldn't take offense to people making disparaging remarks about them. As a matter of fact, because of all the attention the post office fixed the problem. Lets hope the military does the same thing so those of us who served truly can stand proud.Peace.

DRL said...

It is my opinion that American citizens are "innocent until proven guilty". If, as I mentioned McVeigh, anyone, with or without military experience commits a crime, FRY THEM. Timothy McVeigh deserved a slow and painful death because he picked that building because of the day care center in it. I don't care at that point if he was a veteran.

I don't take it as fear, but anger. I was just trying to see if anyone on the left took offense at the remark. None did, that's all.

I am proud of my military service and those who have, are and will serve. There are bad people every where and in every profession. Look at the trucking industry. Just as no one on the left found what was said offensive, neither did the President of the United States, who is the Commander in Chief.

Ric and Mat, thank you, but like I said, I was waiting for someone on the left, and they didn't show up. I will always defend those who served. Remember when the protest video was posted, I took offence and will if other protests against the military is put up, I just thought someone would say "wrong is wrong", no mater who says it.

Once again, please don't take anything I say as an insult. It is how I feel about the men and women who sacrifice to keep us free.

DRL said...

Doug, I am glad you did not take offence. And I forgot to reply about the stretch between "spitting on returning veterans", and this. True, it is a stretch, but if this is allowed, the next step may be the same. Remember, the Democrats in congress have in the past made statements about this being a "quagmire like Vietnam".

mat said...

I stand proud I just think the Army needs to adress the issue. When I was in Germany from '78-'82 the drugs were the biggest problem. A lot of guys in my unit were straight up junkies. I mean shootin up several times a day stealing stereos from their platoon mates hardcore low life junkies! There were "Health and Welfare" inspections where the CO's and platoon leaders would inspect rooms for paraphernalia and check every ones arms for tracks and needle marks but guys started getting smart and shooting up elsewhere like between their toes. One guy in my platoon had to have surgery to have a nut removed because he took to shooting up under his nut sack. He was proud of it too "I still got one good one". It was wide spread. These guys were straight low lifes. You wanna know what the oficial DOD/DOA policy for dealing with them was? Send them home. If you failed a piss test you were enrolled in CDAAC,Community Drug and Alcohol Abuse Center. You were pissed daily and after 3 consecutive failures you were administratively discharged. Sent home on a MAC flight. Some times these guys were put on a plane in their fatigues. They didn't even own any class A's or any thing else because they sold everything they owned on the blackmarket to buy their "shit". They usually owned at least a pair of fatigues and boots so they could at least make formation every day. They were given their 201 files and a check from Army finance for acrued pay and leave and sent home. Junkies back on the street. With a little money in their pocket. Soldiers that worked at the unit level were called DAES.Drug and Alcohol Education Specialists. They administered the pee tests and the file system and ran the program at the company level. I was a DAES. Me and my best friend Joe Matanane from Yona. We were assigned to Aco. 44th signal batallion in Kaiserslautern Germany. Seen it all man. The guys weren't screwed up from the Army. They were screwed up when they joined the Army. Oh and my best friend Joe who was my NCOIC in the program, died in a fiery head on collision on the autobahn in Germany. He was shitfaced drunk. He's buried at the veterans cemetary on Guam in Piti. I don't mean to bring any body down but just saying. The military has problems and need to fix them. So Ric and DRL, don't hate the media or anyone else for dumping on the military. If it brings about positive changes then GOOD!

mat said...

Thats probably why Army can't win a football game to save their lives. Does any one even watch Army/Navy anymore? Sheesh.

DRL said...


Oh, and yes I do watch Navy beat Army every year. It is like a HOLIDAY.
Na, really I do watch, but what is better than the game is after the game is over, each team walks to the other side and sings the third verse of the opponents military song. You will never see that in any other football game. "for 60 seconds we battle, but before that and after that we are brothers and sisters in arms". Great quote!

DRL said...

Oh, one other thing, if someone from the Presidents cabinet said, "gays and lesbians are a terrorist threat to America". How long till there resignation????

rac said...

Well DRL, it seems you do not have all your facts straight. The White House is on record as opposing the tone of the report and the Secretary has issued a public apology. At the same time, the national commander of the 2.2 million-member VFW defended the report. He said the assessment "should have been worded differently" but served a vital purpose. "A government that does not assess internal and external security threats would be negligent of a critical public responsibility".

DRL said...

Oops, I commented that on the wrong post.

Okay, Let me see if I can remember it.

RAC, it is not an apology, like Ric said, what good is one that is forced. What I posted and what to know is, do you think she was wrong. Like I said, no one on the left thought so. No one on the left said or even implied it was wrong. Like I said, what if she said Mexicans are a threat, or Irish or whatever, how long would she have been in her office?
It is rhetorical, I know. Vets don't hold the same status in our country. At least not on the blog.

Oh, and when I get my nest issue of the VFW, I will look at his column.

rac said...

Serving in the armed forces was a personal experience for me - an honor I wear in my heart. I don't go around tooting my own horn nor do I expect special treatment for serving this fine nation. Don't think you are a privileged class because you served - rather take pride in the fact you were privileged enough to have served. Honestly DRL, your words sound like someone who contributes to charity only for the recognition.

DRL said...

RAC, then you don't know me very well. And yes, the reason we do Military Rights at the grave site for veterans and not for anyone else is because we are of a different class than those who refused to serve. Like I said, "all gave some, some gave all". Veterans are the sole reason we have our freedoms. I have friends who served and now hate the military. That too is okay, but don't ever spit on a veteran in my midst! If you have a problem with that, I am not sorry. I honor those who served, you are included. If I out live you, I would be honored to stand at the head of your casket with the Navy flag as Taps is played. It gives me chills just typing this.

DRL said...

Dave, Ric, Mat and any other Veteran is included. I would be honored to stand at a grave side military right for your family. Remember, it is to honor the fallen for the family. Ric stood with me at our Grandfathers grave. That was my first time at one.

DRL said...

Oh and Dave, for you I hold the Cost Guard flag if there are not enough people show up for all the flags. You deserve it!

juliet said...

The current administration needs to learn to think before they speak or comment. lol not only the current adm.

DRL said...

Yes Juliet, one of the mistakes many politicians make. And like RAC said, things are taken in sound bites these days. I still find it very offensive in context. But, it is like me, "watch what I say".

A good quote, "never miss a good chance to shut-up".

Joanna said...

Juliet,RAC@ Doug, You all are grounded.I appreciate that more than you know...sigh of relief!

DRL said...

Joanna, you too can not say that wrong is wrong can you. If you hate those who have kept America free, then don't tout freedom. Go somewhere you have none. Many men and women who are called terrorists by the Obama administration died to keep you free.

Freedom isn't free!

DRL said...

It still turns my stomach that no one from the left can say that what was said was an insult, rather Joanna says that those who support the opposing voice are "grounded", which implies that those of us who support the military and veterans are "not".

juliet said...

Drl no one is apologizing because no one agrees with your distorted interpretation that this Administration is calling all Vets terrorist. Try not to get caught up in an emotional line of thinking that is just not based in any real threat.

DRL said...

I know Juliet what you are saying, but like I said, if a republican said the same thing about blacks, gays, homeless, or whatever, he would have been lambasted. Right?

DRL said...

Oh, and I am not saying she made this leap, but remember when Japanese who were American citizens were thought to be a threat? Yes, internment. Like I said, what if this was said again, oh it was about returning veterans. Remember after 9/11, how it was so worried that in the country, Muslims who were American citizens may be persecuted? They never were, nor did any one in the administration say they should be, that I can recall. I would have stood against the Bush administration if they had. Remember it was an officer from Idaho that was killed by a Muslim just after "Iraqi freedom" stared? He was fraged in Kuwait.

mat said...

Joanna said " Juliet,Rac and Doug you are all grounded". Well I guess everyone else is full of shit.At least I'm full of something.Hahahaha.I seem to remember some other comments on some earlier posts where someone always says "rac,doug,Juliet,Cindy etc. you guys are so smart".Or "You're the best". Talk about the koolaid express.Well I guess we know how Obama got elected.

DRL said...

Mat, remember it was her brother that called "us" something. Although, I prefer her honesty. I would rather know how someone feel or thinks about me. She let us know, hu.

mat said...

yea DRL I don't blame Jo.It's like shooting the messenger.